Baby Bath – Definition, Types, Purpose, Procedure and After Care
Child rearing practice during the first year varies from country to country. The amount of bathing that’s done is also consistent also across cultures. Unless contraindicated, most infants and children can be bathed in a basin at the bed side or on the bed in a standard bath tub located on the unit which is often adopted for pediatric use
Baby bath is defined as cleaning the skin of the baby for promoting hygiene and comfort in the home setting
*Types of bath
1. Lap bath
2. Warm bath
3. Hot water tub bath
*Warm water tub bath
Given to reduce muscle tension
Water temperature 109.4F
Observe signs and symptoms of dizziness.
*Lap bath
Bathing the body keeping on the lap. Mother sits on a chair and can sponge and Change. Its dress on her lap itself so there is no need of having additional stool
*Hot water tub bath
Relive the pain and Comfort to the baby
the water approximately 113 to 115 F
*Purpose of bed bath
To remove microbes body and dead skin cell
To promote circulation
To promote a sense of well being
To prevent of eliminate body order
To induce sleep
To regulate body temperature
To prevent bed sore
To provide active and passive exercise
Congenital heart disease
Fresh bruns
Critical illness
premature infants
*Assessment of the skin before bath
*Preparation of the environment and equipments
* Close windows to keep off draught and to provide
* Collect all the articles in before beginning the procedure
Keep the table the wall place the rub or basin on one end of the table and the tray with articles on the other and convcently so that the baby will be protected on 3inch and there is chance of the baby’s rolling of the side.
Baby soap
Sponge or clean wash cloth
Warm water
clean blanket or bath towel
clean diaper
clean clothes
*Explain procedure to the mother and encourage her participation
*Fill the bath with warm the level of water should be higher that the baby navel
*wash her face and hair before put Her in the bath
*wash the baby eyes, ears, face and neck as you would for when giving her a sponge bath
* wipe the eyes from inner canthus to outer canthus with cotton swabs
* dip hand in water and wipe face taking care that no water goes in to the mouth of infant
* wet hair and apply soap or baby shampoo gently wash the scalp. Rinse with and dry hair with towel
* use the hand a wash cloth or a sponge to clean the baby from top to bottom front and back
*wrap the baby in a towel or blanket
*finally dress the baby in clean cloth, wrap her in a dry warm blanket
* General instructions for giving bath
*Use warm room and warm water
*Bath quickly and gently
*Dry quickly and gently
*Never leave the baby unattended in a bath tub or table
* The infant is given bath after the cord falls and umbilicus is well healed.
After Care
*wash and replace the articles the proper place
*record the type of bath any abnormal finding on the skin
* hand over the baby to the mother for feeding
* before discharge demonstrate it to the mother so that she can bath her infant at home