Give the meaning for the following:
- Meiosis. b. histology c. diffusion d. pasteurization
Fill in the blanks
Middle layer of heart is called as ………………………….
Cholera is caused by ………………
The smallest bone in the body is ……………..
…………….. is largest lymphatic organ
Write short notes
Structure of cell. B. microscope. C. trachea d. structure of ear e. femur
- list down the endocrine glands
- explain the structure of pituitary gland and its hormones
a. list the organs of digestive system
explain the structure of liver with a neat labeled diagram
State whether the following statements are true or false
autoclaving is a method of disinfection
peritoneum is the coving membrane of heart
rabies is a zoonotic disease
tetanus is caused by clostridium tetani
Choose the correct answer from the following:
normal duration of cardiac cycle is
i.0.8 second
ii. 0.6 sec
iii. 1 minute
The acid fast bacteria is
i.Mycobacterium tuberculosis
ii. E.coli
iii. Salmonella typhimurium
The first part of large intestine is
ii. Transverse colon
iii. Sigmoid colon
Write short notes
Blood groups
Cranial nerves
Function of bone
Cerebro spinal fluid
Physiology of vision
Define immunity
Explain the types of immunity
List the types of tissue
Explain the functions of muscular tissue
Draw a neat diagram of heart
Explain the conducting system of heart
Give the meaning of the following
b. larynx
a. ……………….. is the hormone secreted by thymus gland
b.the life span of RBC is ……………… days
c. ………………. is called as the power house of the cell
d. typhoid is caused by …………………
write short notes
structure of the ovary
structure of brain
bones of upper limb
innominate bone
gall bladder
a. list the organs of digestive system
b.explain the structure of stomach with a neat labeled diagram
a. name the organs of nervous system
explain the structure of brain with neat labeled diagram
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Bile is secreted by the stomach
Heart is situated in the mediastinum
Optic nerve is the second cranial nerve in our body
Choose the correct answer and write
Tear producing glands are
- sebaceous
- Lacrimal
- Salivary gland
The fertilization takes place in the
- uterus
- Cervix
- Fallopian tube
The pace maker of the heart is
- A V Node
- S A Node
- Lymph Node
The organ of taste is
- skin
- Tongue
- Nose
Write short notes
Metabolism of carbohydrates
Process of urine formation
Classification of bacteria
Functions of liver
Physiology of respiration
a. what is asepsis
explain the method of medical and surgical asepsis
- draw a neat labeled diagram of the heart
- explain the blood circulation
Give the meaning of the following
Pasteurization b. pulmonary circulation c. immunity d. cytology
Fill in the blanks
…………………. Is the largest gland in human body
…………….. is the membrane covering brain and spinal cord
The bone of the low jaw is called …………..
Leprosy is caused by ……..
Write short notes
Structure of heart
Structure of lungs
Factors influencing growth of microorganisms
Structure of uterus
Structure of tooth
- list the organs of urinary system
- Describe the structure of kidney with a neat labeled diagram
List the bones of thoracic cage
Describe the femur with a neat labeled diagram
A. draw a neat labeled diagram of human Eye
b. draw a neat labeled diagram of digestive system
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
The largest part of human brain is cerebrum
The optic nerve transmits the nerve impulses of smell
Malaria is transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes
Blood circulation between heart and body is called pulmonary circulation
Fill in the blanks
The power house of the cell is ……………………….
Blood vessels which carry blood towards heart are called ……………….
Tuberculosis is caused by ……………………
Write short notes
Collection of specimen
Menstrual cycle
Functions of blood
Metabolism of carbohydrate
Function of nephron
A. name the cranial nerves.
b. explain the functions of cranial nerve
c. name the sense organs
d. draw a neat labeled diagram of heart
e. explain the pulmonary blood circulation
f. draw a neat labeled diagram of liver
g. explain the function of liver
Give the meaning of the following
Adduction b. neuron c. hypersensitivity d. disinfection
Fill in the blanks
Left atrio ventricular valve in the heart is also known as ……………… valve
The largest part of the brain is ……………
Leprosy is caused by …………..
Best method of sterilization is ……………………
Write short notes
Structure of uterus
Structure of tongue
Muscles of the upper arm
Ball and socket joint
Factors influencing growth of microorganisms
- list the organs of digestive system
- Explain the structure of stomach with a neat labeled diagram
A. Name the organs of urinary system
Explain the structure of kidney
State whether the following are TRUE OR FALSE
Veins carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
Larynx is also known as voice box
There are eight cervical vertebrae
Choose the correct answer and write
Inner most layer of the blood vessel is
- Tunica intima
- Tunica media
- Tunica adventitia
- Tunica vaginalis
The cranial nerve responsible for sense of smell is
- occulomotor
- Optic
- Olfactory
- Accessory
Bone forming cells are called as
- osteocytes
- Osteoclasts
- Osteoblasts
- None of the above
The main artery supplying to the brain is
- common iliac
- Branchiocephalic
- Circulus arteriosus
- Subclavian
Write short notes
Cardiac cycle
Functions of liver
Functions of pharynx
Scope of microbiology in nursing
Metabolism of carbohydrates
A. what is infection
b. explain the portals of exit in microorganisms
A. Name the organs of special senses
b. explain the physiology of hearing
Give the meaning of the following
Cardiac output
Fill in the blanks
Space between the two lungs in the theoracic cavity is known as …………….
Supra renal gland is also called as ……………..
Insulin is secreted by ………………. Cells of the pancreas
……………….. is the covering membrane of the bone
Write short notes
Methods of sterilization
Muscles of the face and neck
Types of immunity
Structure of the femur
Structure of the thyroid gland
A. name the organs of urinary system
b. explain the structure of the kidney with a neat labeled diagram
A. list the organs of respiratory system
b. explain the structure of lungs with a neat labeled diagram
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Rods and cones are photoreceptors of the eye
Nucleus is the power house of the cell
Dermis is the superficial layer of the skin
Choose the correct answer and write
The movable bone in the skull is …………… i. mandible ii. Maxilla iii. Vomer
Temporary teeth begin to erupt at the age of ………… i. 1 year ii. 1 and half year iii. 6 months
The largest part of the brain is ……………… i. mid brain ii. Cerebrum iii. Cerebellum
The first phase of cell division is ……………… i. anaphase ii. Metaphase iii. Prophase
Write short notes
Metabolism of proteins
Functions of the skin
Physiology of hearing
Composition of blood
Menstrual cycle
A. define infection
b. explain the mode of transmission of infection
A. Draw a neat labeled diagram of the heart
b. explain the conducting system of the heart
Give the meaning of the following
Fill in the blanks
………………….. is the second cervical vertebra
…………………. Is the covering membrane of the nerve
………………… is the innermost layer of the uterus
Buccinator muscle is present in ………………
Write short notes
Classification of joints
Radius and ulnar bone
Pathogenic and non pathogenic organisms
Prevention of cross infection in the hospital wards
Draw a neat diagram of ear and label its parts
A. explain in detail about phase of cell division
b. write about mitosis in detail
A. list the organs of digestive system
b. draw a neat diagram of stomach and label its parts and describe
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Veins carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
Iron part of haemoglobin is known as hame
Temporary arrest of breathing is called Dyspnoea
Fill in the blanks
Eyelids protect Eye from …………… light
Muscle cells are specialized from ………..
…………… is the functional unit of the kidney
……………… is the respiratory organ
Write short notes
Portals of entry and exit of microbes
ABO blood group
Steam sterilization
Systemic circulation
Physiology of hearing
A. draw a neat diagram of heart and label its parts
b. list the blood supply and nerve supply to heart
A. what is endocrine gland
b. write the structure and functions of suprarenal glands
c. write the structure and explain functions of liver
Give the meaning of the following
Ionizing radiation
Fill in the blanks
Exocrine glands secret …………..
Space between two lungs is called as …………….
Receptors for bright light and color vision is ……………
Tail of the spinal cord is called as …………………
Write short notes
Structure of cell
Sources of infection
Humerus bone
Preparation and examination of smears
Muscles of the uppr arm
A. what is peristalsis
Draw the structure of stomach and label the parts
Write the enzymes present in gastric juice
A. what are endocrine glands
List the endocrine glands
Explain about adrenal gland and its hormones
State whether the followign statements are TRUE OR FALSE
The right atrio ventricular valve is also called as mitral valve
Diaphragm relaxes during expiration
Gas gangrene is caused by clostridium welchi
Fluid present in the inner Ear in CSF
Choose the correct answer and write
The innermost layer of brain is ……….
- endocardium
- Piamater
- Duramater
The ferilized ovum is called as ………
- zygote
- Sperm
- Ova
Brian and spinal cord are the parts of ………..
- central nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system .
- Autonomic nervous system
Write short notes
Mechanism of hearing
Functions of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
Functions of kidney
Blood groups
Types of muscles and its functions
A. what is nosocomial infection
b. list few nosocomial infection
c. how will you prevent cross infection in hospital
A. name the outer, middle and inner layer of the Eye
b. briefly explain about refractive errors
c. name the outer, middle and inner structures of Ear
d. explain about cochlea and vestibule
Give the meaning of the following
Foramen magnum
Fill in the blanks
The …………. Is the largest bone of the foot
The bat shaped bone is …………. Bone
Thread like structures arising from cytoplasm and extending out through cell wall is called …….
The middle layer of the heart is ……….
Write short notes
Structure of the heart
Structure of the liver
Bones of the wrist and hand
Ball and socket joint
Draw a neat diagram of clavicle bone and explain
Write the structure of kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder
A. define sterilization
b. explain the autoclaving method of sterilization
State whether the followign statements are TRUE OR FALSE
The double layer of peritioneum is called mesentry
Souces of infection withing the body are called exogenous
The nerve cell do not generate impulses
Tetanus is caused by clostridium tetani
Choose the correct answer and write
Growth of microorganisms in the presence of oxygen.
- aerobic
- Anaerobic
- Father of microbiology
The inner most layer of the uterus is …
- endocardium
- Endometrium
- Perimetrium
Electron microscope is discovered by ….
- ruska
- Joseph lister
- Louis pasteur
Write short notes
Classification of bacteria
Physiology of vision
Cardiac cycle
Function of ovaries
Pulmonary circulation
Explain the functions of skin
A. list the organs of respiratory system
b. explain the functions of pharynx
Fill in the blanks
The blood is a …………….. tissue
The retina is a ……………. Layer of eye
The space between lungs is called …………..
Taste buds contain ……………. Receptors
Write the meaning of the following
Write shorts notes
Structure of ear
Structure of neuron
Epithelial tissue
Synovial joints
Structure of liver
A. list the endocrine glands
b. describe the structure of thyroid gland
A. define sterilization
b. list the types of sterilization
c. explain autoclaving method of sterilization
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Clostridium tetani is a causative organism of tetanus
Peritoneum is a covering layer of heart
Rabies is a zoonotic disease
Total bones of our body is 250
Choose the correct answer from the following
Rickets is caused by deficiency of …………..
- vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
The longest bone in human body is ………..
- stapes
- Femur
- Humerus
Act of swallowing is called …………..
- deglutition
- Mastication
- Propulsion
Write short notes
Nosocomial infection
Physiology of respiration
Cranial nerves
Blood groups
Menstrual cycle
A. define cardiac cycle
b. explain stages of cardiac cycle
A. draw a neat diagram of urinary system
b. explain the functions of kidney
c. draw a neat diagram of skin
explain the functions of skin