by | Apr 25, 2024 | Nursing Important Questions | 0 comments


  1. General principles and standards of mental health nursing in India
  2. Discuss process recording and its use

  3. Explain nurses role in community mental health nursing

  4. Discuss in brief detoxification, antabuse, narcotic antagonist therapy and harm reduction of patient with substance use disorders

  5. Describe etiology and psychopathology of patient with personality disorders

  6. Historical development of community mental health services in India

  7. Discuss the nature, settings and functions of contemporary psychiatric nursing practice

  8. Mention types of substance abuse. Explain nursing care of patient with alcohol abuse

  9. What is Bi-polar mood disorder. Explain care of patient with acute depression

  10.  Discuss the admission and discharge procedures according to the mental health act

  11.  Explain the different types of crisis and discuss in detail the steps of crisis interventions

  12.  What are the clinical features of delirium. Explain the nursing management in acute delirium

  13.  Define crisis and discuss nurses role in crisis intervention

  14.  Describe nurses role in psychiatric rehabilitation

  15.  Explain the admission and discharge procedures according to Indian mental health act

  16.  Define mental health and mental illness. explain in detail the principles of mental health nursing

  17.  Define BPAD and classify the various mood disorders. Discuss management of a depressed patient

  18.  Define ECT. Describe care of a patient before, during and after ECT

  19.  Define therapeutic communication. Explain the phases of therapeutic communication techniques

  20.  What is electroconvulsive therapy. Explain the role of nurse in ECT

  21.  What are the clinical features of catatonic schizophrenia. Explain the nursing management of a patient with catatonic schizophrenia

  22.  Define community mental health nursing. Discuss the role of nurse in preventive psychiatry

  23.  Define bipolar disorder. Explain the role of nurse in the care of a manic patient

  24.  Define substance abuse. Explain the treatment and nursing management of patient with alcohol dependence syndrome

  25.  Explain the etiology of psychophysiological disorders. Describe the management of patient with crohn’s disease

  26.  Describe the clinical features in mania. Prepare a nursing care plan mania for a patient with manic episode

  27.  Define mental retardation. Discuss the nursing management of a child with profound mental retardation

  28.  National mental health program

  29.  Therapeutic nurse-patient relationship

  30.  Depressive disorder



  1. Classification of mental disorders
  2. Interpersonal environment

  3. Communication model

  4. Toxins and poisons

  5. Psycho-physiological disorder

  6. List the functions of mental health team

  7. Psychodrama

  8. Discharge procedure

  9. Tics disorder

  10.  Theory of grief

  11.  Theories of grieving process

  12.  Obsessive compulsive disorders

  13.  Forensic psychiatry

  14.  Behavioral problems of adolescents

  15.  Crisis intervention

  16.  Neurological assessment

  17.  Mental retardation

  18.  Mental health team

  19.  National mental health programme

  20.  Purpose of nursing process in the psychiatric nursing

  21.  Childhood schizophrenia

  22.  Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

  23.  Scope of psychiatric mental health nurse

  24.  Describe the major concepts of community mental health

  25.  Discuss the stages of family therapy

  26.  Legal aspects of psychiatric nursing

  27.  Anxiety

  28.  Crisis intervention

  29.  Play therapy

  30.  Sociopathic reaction

  31.  Benzodiazepines

  32.  Narcissistic personality disorder

  33. Clinical picture in generalized anxiety state

  34.  Management in phobia

  35.  Suicide prevention

  36.  Antidepressants

  37.  Criminal responsibility

  38.  Levels of prevention

  39.  Sexual disorders

  40.   Characteristics of mentally healthy individual

  41.  Classify personality disorders

  42.  Neuro leptic malignant syndrome

  43.  Conduct disorders

  44.  Alcoholic anonymous

  45.  Care of patient with suspicious behavior

  46.  Lithium carbonate

  47.  Milieu therapy

  48.  Day care centres

  49.  Any five general principles of psychiatric nursing

  50.  Alcohol dependence syndrome

  51.  Explain signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and briefly explain the nursing management for a patient with PTSD

  52.  Describe etiological factors, and signs and symptom of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  53.  Occupational therapy

  54.  Mental health issues among elderly

  55.   Explain therapeutic impasses and interventions for overcoming them

  56.  Explain the current trends in mental health nursing

  57.  Differentiate institutionalization and de-institutionalization

  58.  Types of admission and discharge for mentally ill

  59.   Johari window

  60.  Existential model

  61.  Difference between normal and abnormal behavior

  62.  Explain the role of nurse in occupational therapy

  63.  Antipsyhotics

  64.  Obsessive compulsive disorder

  65.  Therapeutic community

  66.  Discharge procedure

  67.  Group therapy

  68.  Techniques of therapeutic communication

  69.  Concept of normal and abnormal behavior

  70.  Antidepressant

  71.   Civil right of mentally ill

  72.  Alternative system of medicine

  73.  Somatoform disorder

  74.  Management of patient with aggressive behavior

  75.  Phobia

  76.  Nursing management of patient with narcotic withdrawals

  77.  Enuresis

  78.  Extra pyramidal reactions

  79.  Half way homes

  80.  History collection in psychiatry

  81.  Concepts of normalcy and abnormalcy

  82.  Psychosomatic disorders

  83.  Anti-psychotic drugs

  84.  Substance abuse

  85.  Conduct disorder

  86.  Obsessive compulsive disorder

  87.  Epilepsy

  88.  Rehabilitation



  1. Free association
  2. Half way home

  3. Delusion

  4. Neologism

  5. Word salad

  6. Auditory hallucination

  7. Thought broadcasting

  8. Rapport

  9. Fetish

  10. Atypical antipsychotic

  11.  Token economy

  12.  Intelligent quotient

  13.  Delusion

  14.  Auditory hallucination

  15.  Sheltered workshop

  16.  Lithium

  17.  Projection

  18.  Echolalia

  19.  Aversion therapy

  20.  Cognitive development

  21.  Detoxification

  22.  Genuineness

  23.  Integration

  24.  Magical thinking

  25. Mental imagery

  26.  Phobias

  27.  Reaction formation

  28.  Selective abstraction

  29.  Abreaction

  30.  Delusion of reference

  31.  Alcohol withdrawal symptoms

  32.  Contraindications for electro convulsive therapy

  33.  Voyeurism

  34.   Transference

  35.  Reception order

  36.  Define dementia

  37.  Childhood autism

  38.  Echolalia

  39.  Agoraphobia

  40.  Mood and affect

  41.  Hypochondriasis

  42.  Reaction formation

  43.  Biofeed back

  44.  Neurosis and psychosis

  45.  Narco-analysis

  46.  Oculogyric crisis

  47.  Guided imagery

  48.  Rum fits

  49.  Advantages of token economy

  50.  Indications of light therapy

  51.  Types of crisis

  52.   Meaning of enuresis

  53.  List the sexual disorders

  54.  Antabuse drugs

  55.  Meaning of obsession

  56.  List the types of phobia

  57.  Leave of absence

  58.  Dementia

  59.  Grief

  60.  Forensic psychiatry

  61.  Fugue

  62.  Cataplexy

  63.  Aphasia

  64.  Verbigeration

  65.  Neologism

  66.  Perseveration

  67.  Labile affect

  68.  Cyclothymia

  69.  Ambivalence

  70.  Delusion

  71.  Flight of ideas

  72.  Confabulation

  73.  Transvestism

  74.  Attention deficit hyper active disorder

  75.  Process recording

  76.  Token economy

  77.  Akathesia

  78.  Differentiate between psychosis and neurosis

  79.  Purposes of ego defense mechanism

  80.  Enumerate stages of grieving

  81.  Testamentary capacity

  82.  Cognitive behavior therapy

  83.  Objective of national mental health programme

  84.  Purpose of classification of mental disorders

  85.  Disorders of perception

  86.  Psychosexual disorders

  87.  Patient rights

  88.  Disulfuram drug

  89.  Amnesia

  90.  Insight

  91.  Grandiose delusion

  92.  Play therapy

  93.  Hypnosis

  94.  Definition of mental health nursing