WOUND DRESSING – Nursing Procedure – Types, Care of Skin, Principles  WOUND DRESSING – Nursing Procedure – Types, Care of Skin, PrinciplesWOUND DRESSINGSDressings vary according to size, location, depth, stage of ulcer, and preference of the ordering...

Wound Care

Wound Care and the Nursing Action – A Simple Nursing Guide A wound is a break or cut in the continuity of any body structure, internal or external caused by physical means.Purpose of Wound Care and the Nursing Action:Purpose:To prevent infection.Nursing...


URINARY DRAINAGE – A SIMPLE NURSING PROCEDURE URINARY  CatheterIncontinent males may wear a condom catheter to collect urinary drainage. This device consists of a condom ( a thin, flexible rubber or plastic sheath worn over the penis) connected to the...


URINALYSIS, FAECES, SPUTUM AND SEMEN ANALYSIS – NORMAL VALUES, SIGNIFICANCE AND NURSING IMPLICATIONS  The laboratory determinations may vary from hospital to hospital depending upon the techniques used. The normal values with its wide range of variation are...

Terms and Definition

Terms and Definition (Glossary) in Nursing Procedure – A simple learning for Nurses DefinitionAbdominal paracentesis: it is the removal of fluids from the peritoneal cavity.ABO Blood typing: it is a test that identifies the clients blood group (A, B, O, AB) to check...