by | Jul 4, 2024 | MEDICAL MCQ | 0 comments

These mcqs are prepared exclusively for audiologist and audiometry technician for exam preparation. MCQ is helpful to remember the concept on adults and older adults in audiology. This multiple choice questions are helpful for preparation for DHA, PROMETRIC, MOH, HAAD, EXAMINATION

Which hearing loss type is most common among older adults?

A) Conductive hearing loss

B) Sensorineural hearing loss

C) Mixed hearing loss

D) Central hearing loss

What is presbycusis?

A) Sudden sensorineural hearing loss

B) Age-related hearing loss

C) Conductive hearing loss due to ear infections

D) Tinnitus associated with aging

Which test is commonly used to assess speech understanding in noisy environments?

A) Tympanometry

B) Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) testing

C) Speech audiometry

D) Real-ear measurement

What is the primary goal of audiological rehabilitation for older adults with hearing loss?

A) To eliminate tinnitus

B) To restore hearing to normal levels

C) To improve communication and quality of life

D) To prevent further hearing loss

Which factor commonly contributes to hearing loss in older adults?

A) Exposure to loud noise

B) Genetic factors only

C) Fluid in the middle ear

D) Excessive cerumen production

Which hearing aid style is typically preferred by older adults due to its ease of handling and maintenance?

A) Behind-the-ear (BTE)

B) Completely-in-canal (CIC)

C) Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

D) In-the-ear (ITE)

Which communication strategy is effective for older adults with hearing loss in social settings?

A) Speaking loudly and slowly

B) Speaking from a distance

C) Using gestures and facial expressions

D) Using background noise to stimulate hearing

What is the common complaint associated with presbycusis?

A) Vertigo

B) Hyperacusis

C) Tinnitus

D) Diplopia

Which healthcare professional typically manages hearing healthcare for older adults?

A) Dentist

B) Audiologist

C) Dermatologist

D) Ophthalmologist

What is the term for the phenomenon where older adults experience difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy environments?

A) Hyperacusis

B) Recruitment

C) Presbycusis

D) Tinnitus

B) Sensorineural hearing loss

B) Age-related hearing loss

C) Speech audiometry

C) To improve communication and quality of life

A) Exposure to loud noise

A) Behind-the-ear (BTE)

C) Using gestures and facial expressions

C) Tinnitus

B) Audiologist

C) Presbycusis