Describe the mechanism of blood clotting
Define arterial blood pressure. What are the factors determining blood pressure. How is it regulated?
Describe the ABO blood group system. Add a note on blood transfusion
Describe the transport of oxygen in the blood. Add a note on hypoxia
Classify WBC’s and describe in detail about its functions
Describe the mechanical events of cardiac cycle with neat diagram
Describe the mechanism of respiration
Describe the functions of thyroid hormone. Name the diseases of hypo and hyper secretion of thyroid hormone
Describe in detail about functions of growth hormone
Describe the pathway of coagulation. Add a note on anti coagulants
Name the hormones of anterior pituitary gland.
Describe the components of gastric juice. What are the functions of stomach
Describe erythropoiesis in detail
Describe the transmission of impulse across neuromuscular junction. Add a note on myasthenia gravis
Discuss in detail the calcium regulation of the body
Name the respiratory centres and describe regulation of respiration
Draw a neat, labeled diagram of neuro-muscular junction and describe the events occurring at it.
What is the composition and function of saliva
Explain the actions of growth hormone (Refer 10)
Trace the pathway for pain
Describe the mechanism of oxygen transport in blood
What is immunity? Explain its types.
Micturition reflexes
Mechanism of blood coagulation (Refer 10)
Functions of growth hormones (Refer 10)
ECG curve
Cerebrospinal fluid
Describe actions of thyroid hormone (Refer 10)
Functions of liver
With neat diagram represent reflex arc and enumerate properties of reflex arc
Describe neural regulation of respiration (Refer 10)
Describe the compensatory changes in the body to increased temperature
Describe actions of thyroid hormones (Refer 10)
Describe the functions of testosterone
Name the different types of blood groups. Explain landsteiner’s law (Refer 10)
Name the conducting tissues of heart. Explain the conduction of electrical impulse in the heart
Explain the different stages of menstrual cycle
Middle ear
What are the composition and functions of blood
Name the movements of small intestine. What are the functions of small intestine
Define GFR. Describe the factors affecting GFR
What are the types of neuroglia? Mention its functions
Intrinsic mechanism of coagulation (Refer 10)
Explain factors influencing blood pressure (Refer 10 Mark)
Draw a spirogram indicating various lung volumes and capacities
Name plasma proteins. Mention their functions
Referred pain
Pregnancy tests
Composition of gastric juice (Refer 10)
Classify nerve fibers
Heart sounds
Name the posterior pituatory hormones and describe their actions
Describe functions of hypothalamus
Describe stages of erythropoiesis (Refer 10)
Define sensory receptors
Mention four functions of skin
What is myopia
Draw a neat diagram of neuron and label its parts
Enumerate two functions of estrogen
Refractive errors of eye
Functions of granulocytes
Functions of testosterone
Movements of intestine
Functions of hypothalamus
Mention functions of middle ear
Define vital capacity. Give its normal value
Draw a neat diagram of reflex arc
Write two actions of gastrin
Name the different types of normal haemoglobin
Define cardiac cycle
Explain salutatory conduction of neurons
Name the hormones of posterior pituitary gland
Myasthenia gravis
Rh incompatibility
Name the types of lymphocytes
Name two muscles of inspiration
Define blood pressure
Functions of insulin
Refractory period
Mention hormones secreted by anterior pituitary gland
Define landsteiners law
Draw a labeled diagram of nephron
Radial pulse
Safe period
Erythoblastosis foetalis
Mention any four secondary sexual characters of a male
Functions of platelets
Name any two gastro intestinal hormones and mention their function