- Discuss the pre and post operative nursing care of a new born with spina bifida cystic
- Enumerate the causes and modes of transmission of communicable diseases. Describe the nursing care of child with chickenpox
- Describe the transmission and clinical manifestation of pinworm and round worm infestation in a child. Discuss nursing management and prevention of above mentioned worm infestation in children
- What is mastoiditis? Describe the complications of mastoiditis. Explain the post-operative management of a patient who has undergone mastoidectomy
- Describe the causes of bronchitis. Explain the medical and nursing management of a client with bronchitis
- Define epilepsy. Discuss the stages of convulsions. Explain the nursing management of a client during a convulsive attack
- Discuss the nature, settings and functions of contemporary psychiatric nursing practice
- Mention types of substance abuse. Explain nursing care of patient with alcohol abuse
- What is bi-polar mood disorder? Explain care of patient with acute depression
- Define acute glomerulonephritis. Explain the nursing management of six years old child who is diagnosed as acute glomerulonephritis
- Explain the nursing management of one year old child with bronchiolitis
- Discuss the nursing care of ten year old child diagnosed as rheumatic disease
- Enumerate the problems which children are confronted during hospitalization
- List the clinical features of acute lymphocytic leukemia. Explain the nursing management of 3 years old girl with the diagnosis of acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Define pneumonia. Explain the nursing management of child two years old with the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia
- List the problems of a child with cleft palate. Explain nursing management of a child after cleft palate repair
- List the clinical features of measles. Explain the nursing care of four year old child with measles
- Describe the growth and development of toddle
- Explain the etiology and clinical features of 3 year old child diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. Discuss the nursing management of child with glomerulo nephritis
- Define anemia, classification of anemia. Discuss medical and nursing management of child with iron deficiency anemia
- Discuss the causes of convulsive disorder. Discuss the nursing care of a child with convulsions admitted in the paediatric ward
- Describe the clinical manifestations of diarrhea. Write the nursing process for the management of child with diarrhea
- Explain the equipments used in resuscitation. Describe the care of children in incubator
- Define leukemia. Explain the clinical features of leukemia. Draw a nursing care plan of a 5 year old child diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia
- Discuss national health programmes related to children in India
- Define trachea-esophageal fistula. Explain the types in detail. Write the management of child with trachea-esophageal fistula
- Define bronchial asthma, list the causes of it. Explain the pathophysiology of bronchial asthma. Write the medical and nursing management of bronchial asthma
- Define cleft left lip and cleft palate. Discuss the pre and post operative nursing care of a child undergone surgical repair of cleft lip
- Define protein energy malnutrition. Explain the classification in detail. Discuss the nursing management of 3 years old child with severe malnutrition
- List the signs and symptoms of kwashiorkor. Describe the management of PEM. Explain the importance of public organization is promoting the nutritional status of children
- Classify hydrocephalous. Explain the rehabilitation aspects of child with VP shunt
- Trends in pediatric care – explain
- Define pneumonia and write the classification according to the causative organism. Explain the pathophysiology of pneumonia. Write the medical and nursing management of pneumonia
- What is infective endocarditis. List the causes and clinical manifestation of infective endocarditis. Discuss in detail about the pathophysiology of infective endocarditis and nursing management
- Discuss in detail about the organization and nursing management of pediatric intensive care
- Define pneumonia. List the common causes and outline the stages of pneumonia. Explain the physical and psychosocial development of an infant between 1 to 6 months
- Explain the impact of hospitalization on the child
- Explain the physical, physiological and psychosocial development of an infant
- Define hydrocephalus. Explain the types of hydrocephalus. Explain the nursing management of child with hydrocephalus
- Explain the physical, psychosocial and cognitive growth and development of school age child
- Define acute glomerular nephritis. List the clinical manifestations of acute glomerular nephritis. Explain the management of a 3 year old child with acute glomerular nephritis
- Define pyloric stenosis. List the causes and cardinal sign and symptoms. Describe the surgical and nursing management of child with pyloric stenosis
- Explain the role of a child health nurse in caring for a hospitalized child
- Define growth and development. Explain the physical, physiological and psychosocial growth and development of adolescent
- Erythro blasto fetalis
- Mental retardation
- Nursing care of child with renal failure
- Nursing care of child with acute leukemia
- Dental caries
- Speech defects
- Phallic phase
- Education of parents on prevention of poisoning in children
- Colostomy care
- Child abuse
- Tracheostomy care
- Rhinitis
- Management of glaucoma
- Cardiac tamponade
- Mechanical ventilation
- Pathophysiology of COPD
- Levels of Unconsciousness
- Quadriplegia
- Complications of PTB
- Etiology of coronary artery disease
- Purpose of nursing process in the psychiatric setting
- Childhood schizophrenia
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Scope of psychiatric mental health nurse
- Describe the major concepts of community mental health
- Discuss the stages of family therapy
- Legal aspects of psychiatric nursing
- Anxiety
- Crisis intervention
- Play therapy
- Pre operative management of tracheo oseophageal fistula
- Nursing care of a child with severe diarrhea
- Marasmus
- Developmental problems of toddler
- Care of child after cleft lip repair
- Prevention of vitamin A deficiency
- Congenital heart diseases
- Pre operative care of a child with meningo myelocele
- Immunization schedule
- Child guidance and counseling
- Nursing care of child with trachea –esophageal fistula
- Cretinism
- Torticollis
- Care of child with epistaxis
- Care of child during exchange blood transfusion
- Juvenile delinquency
- Paedratric ICU
- Collection of urine specimen in four months old child
- Principles for using restraints for children
- Immunization schedule
- Phimosis
- Prevention of malnutrition in infants
- Identification of congenital anomalies
- Changing trends in paediatric nursing
- Care of child with nephritic syndrome
- Congenital megacolon
- Care of child with rheumatic fever
- Clinical manifestations of hydrocephalus
- Pre operative care of child with tetrology of fallot
- Hirscheprungs disease
- Restraints
- Role of pediatric nurse
- Under five clinics
- Care of child with tetrology of fallot
- Behavioral problems in children
- Oxygen therapy in children
- New born reflexes
- Care of child with epistaxis
- School health programmes
- Reflexes in newborn
- Types of restraints in children
- Administration of medication in children
- Immunization schedule
- Role of paediatric nurse
- Epispadias
- Specimen collection in children
- List the different nutrition programmes
- Components of RCH
- Tetralogy of fallot (TOF)
- Signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency
- List the paediatric emergencies
- Steps in nursing process
- Concept of baby friendly hospital initiative
- Play needs in children
- Signs and symptoms in nephritis
- Classification of burns
- Tetralogy of fallot (TOF)
- Poliomelitis
- Battered child syndrome
- Reproductive child heath programme (RCH)
- Bronchitis
- Viral hepatitis
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Changing trends towards hospital care
- Poisoning in children
- Meningitis
- Under five clinics
- Kangaroo mother care
- Physically handicapped children
- Juvenile diabetes mellitus
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Atrial septal defect
- Bronchitis
- Urinary tract infection
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Steam inhalation for children 2 to 3 years old
- Nursing management of child with nephritic syndrome
- Child abuse
- Concepts of post operative care of children
- Pyloric stenosis
- Growth chart
- Reactions of infants during hospitalization
- Role of pediatric nurse
- School health programme
- Osteomyelitis
- Care of child with AIDS
- Down’s syndrome
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Diarrhea
- Acute respiratory infection
- Ventricular septal defect
- Describe the types of intestinal obstruction
- Explain the nursing care of a normal newborn
- Explain the concept of baby friendly hospital initiative
- Assess and classify a 3 year child with diarrhea using IMNCI approach
- Explain the factors affecting growth and development
- Differentiate nephritic syndrome and glomerulonephritis
- Describe about the welfare services for challenged children in India
- Enumerate the nursing care of newborn with meconium aspiration syndrome
- Describe the procedure of nasogastric tube feeding in children
- First aid management of fracture
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Factors influencing growth and development
- Explain the nursing management of child with leukemia
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Common behvioural problems of school age children
- Postoperative care of a child who underwent pyloromyotomy
- Sickle cell anemia
- Role of a nurse in phototherapy
- Principles of growth and development
- Explain five differences between an adult and child with examples
- Nursing management of child with rheumatic heart disease
- Nursing care of children with HIV/AIDS
- Role of a nurse in oxygen administration
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Prevention of foreign body aspiration
- Management of mentally challenged children
- Explain the clinical features and nursing care of child with tuberculosis
- Internationally accepted rights of the child
- Selection of play materials
- Changing trends in hospital care of children
- Baby friendly hospital initiative
- Nursing management of low birth weight babies
- Management of child with nephritic syndrome
- Surgical and nursing management of child with hydrocephalus
- Preferred site for intra muscular injection for the infants
- Scoliosis
- Circumcision
- Clinical features of rheumatic fever
- Xeropthalmia
- On looking play
- Still birth
- Clinical features of encephalitis
- Indications of tonsillectomy
- Arterial blood gas analysis
- Home care of ac. Pharyngitis
- Defibrillation
- Signs and symptoms of spinal cord compression
- Complications of laryngitis
- Indications for corneal transplant
- Rehabilitation for blindness
- Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest
- Pathophysiology of atelectasis
- Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Lithium
- Cognitive development
- Detoxification
- Genuineness
- Integration
- Magical thinking
- Mental imagery
- Phobias
- Reaction formation
- Selective abstraction
- Growth and development
- Road to health card
- Habit disorders
- Intussusceptions
- Thrombocytopenic purpura
- Ankylostomiasis
- Balwadies
- Baby friendly hospital initiative
- Epispadias
- Aplastic anaemia
- Exclusive breast feeding
- Clinical features of physiologic jaundice
- List four types of heat loss in the newborn
- Signs and symptoms of brain tumour
- ORS (oral rehydration solution)
- Incubation period of measles
- Hearing test
- Causes of mental retardation
- Signs and symptoms of second degree burns
- Pica
- Spina bifida
- Diaphragmatic hernia
- Enuresis
- Cerebral palsy
- Club foot
- Neuroblastoma
- Mid day meal programme
- Diabetes insipidus
- Co-operative play
- Sickle cell anaemia
- Clinical features of measles
- Physiological jaundice
- Complementary feeding
- BCG vaccine
- Solitary play
- Thumb sucking
- Scurvy
- First aid for dog bite
- VP shunt
- Thumb sucking
- Somnambulism
- Tetanus
- Clinical features of marasmus
- Undescended testis
- Encephalitis
- Epistaxis
- Child to child concept
- Cushings syndrome
- Toilet training
- Pulse polio immunization
- Types of play
- Preventive pediatrics
- Reaction of infant to hospitalization
- Scabies
- Drowning
- Newborn reflexes
- Exclusive breast feeding
- Pulse polio programme
- Moro reflex
- Mile stones of an infant
- Scabies
- Clinical features of chicken pox
- Cyanotic spell
- First aid in burns
- Torticollis
- Sickle cell anemia
- Growth chart
- MCH clinics
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Accidents prevention in toddler
- Exceptional child
- Difference between measles and mumps
- Diabetes insipidus
- Neuroblastoma
- Brief the principles of phototherapy
- Expand on CSSM
- Mention the vitamin A prophylaxis dosage and schedule for children
- List the types of restraints
- Define small for date babies
- Define phallic stage
- Define talipes equinovarus
- Define failure to thrive
- State the functions of child guidance clinics
- Define preventive pediatrics
- Define status epilepticus
- Kernig’s sign
- Cold chain
- Types of restraints
- Babinski reflex
- Mention any four congenital malformations of newborn
- Ortolani sign
- Exclusive breast feeding
- Medications used for bronchial asthma
- Types of play in children
- Associative play
- Sources and vitamin D deficiency disorders
- Pentavalent vaccine
- Define preterm baby
- Complications of meningitis
- Child guidance clinic
- Prevention of otitis media
- Wilm’s tumor
- Weaning
- Sources and deficiency disorders of vitamin A
- Thermoregulation of newborn baby
- Conjunctivitis
- Types of ano-rectal malformation
- Medications used in pneumonia
- List welfare services for physically challenged children
- Complications of glomerulonephritis