Give the meaning of the following
Eligible couple
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Live vaccines are prepared from dead organisms
Oral contraceptives are used as temporary method of family planning
Disease is the maladjustment of human being to the environment
Write short notes
Levels of health care
Mid day meal programme
Objectives of under five clinic
Bag technique
Principles of records keeping
Define maternal and child health services
Explain the responsibilities of a nurse in implementing MCH services
Define community health nursing
Explain the scope of community health nursing
Discuss the role of a nurse in community health nursing services
Fill in the blanks
Deficiency of Thiamine causes ………
Wells are best disinfected by ………….
The process of sharing ideas and opinions between individuals is called ……..
Choose the correct answer and write
The main source of surface water is i. deep well ii. River iii. Spring
The deficiency disease of vitamin A is i. night blindness ii. Gum bleeding iii. Sterility
Radio talk is an example of i. one way communication ii. Two way communication iii. Non verbal communication
Write short notes
Role of community health nurse in health education process
Importance of environmental health
Define ventilation
Explain the types and standards of ventilation
Define nutrients
List the types of nutrients
What are audio visual AIDS
List the types of audio visual AIDS
Give the meaning of the following
Home visiting
Intrauterine contraceptive devices
Cumulative records
Fill in the blanks
The scientific study of human population is …………
A disease that is transmitted through contact is ………… disease
Under five clinic is also called as ……….. clinic
Write short notes
Uses of records and reports
Characteristics of healthy individual
Levels of prevention of disease
Standing orders in case of diarrhea
Uses of epidemiology
Define health
Explain briefly the determinants of health
Define family health service
Write the objectives and principles of community health nursing services
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Waste water which does not contain human excreta is sullage
Role play is an example of mass approach in health communication
Vitamin B 6 is also called as pyridoxine
Megaloblastic anemia is caused due to deficiency of vitamin B 6
Choose the correct answer and write
Community noise level is usually measured in terms of i. foot candle ii. Decibels iii. Frequency
The basic physiological requirement of drinking water per head per day i. 2 liters ii. 3 liters iii. 5 liters
Iodine deficiency causes i. goiter ii. Rickets iii. Beri beri
Write short notes
Housing standards
Types of communication
Vitamin C sources, daily requirements, deficiency diseases
Air pollution and its control
What is safe and wholesome water
Mention sources of water pollution
Write about the importance of sand bed in slow sand filtration
Define health education
Explain the principles of health education
What is balanced diet
Mention the diet to protein deficiency
Write the methods of preparing salads and egg flip
Give the meaning of the following
Community health nursing
Antenatal care
Family folder
Fill in the blanks
The route of administration of BCG vaccine is …….
A PHC caters to a population of ………..
The international nurses day is celebrated on ………..
The infection originating in a patient while in a hospital is called ……….
Write short notes
Levels of health care
Uses of records and reports
Standing order in treating fever cases
Community health team
What is infection
Write the role of community health nurse in control of infectious disease
Define home visiting
Write the advantages or merits of home visiting
Explain the technique in home visiting
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Vitamin A deficiency leads to pernicious anemia
Roughage in diet helps in preventing constipation
Kopliks spot is a feature of vitamin C deficiency
Television is an example of an audio visual aid
Choose the correct answer and write
Cholera is transmitted through the arthropod i. housefly ii. Cockroach iii. Ticks
The horrocks apparatus is designed to find the i. bleaching powder needed to disinfect water ii. Water content in milk iii. Wind direction
The generic name for tocopherol is i. vit E ii. Vit B1 iii. Vit K
Write short notes
House hold method of preservation and storage of food
Factors promoting effective observation and listening
Purification of water at domestic level
Communication skill
Explain the different methods of health eduction
Write the meaning of refuse disposal
Explain briefly the different methods of refuse disposal
Write the classification of nutrients
Explain about fat soluble vitamins
Give the meaning of the following
Eligible couple
Home visiting
Community nursing process
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Ear ache, otitis media, temporary deafness etc are minor ailments
Putting the plan into actionn is called implementation
Records cannot protect the nurses in case of legal issues
World health day is celebrated on April 12th
Write short notes
Explain any four temporary family planning methods
Health assessment of school going child
Define referral system and describe it importance
Home management of diarrhea
Bag technique
Define cold chain
Write national immunization schedule
Define health
List the dimensions of health
Explain the levels of disease prevention
Define primary health care
List the principles of primary health care
Explain the role of nurse in primary health care
Fill in the blanks
…………… are the building blocks of proteins
The principal source of vitamin D is …………
…………. Microorganism causes tuberculosis
Deficiency of iron causes ……………
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Dhal that is responsible for lathyrism is kesari dhal
The waste water which contains human excreta is called as sullage
Light is measured in terms of foot candles
Write short notes
Mosquito control measures
Qualities of a counselor
Disinfection of well
Methods of cooking
Principles of health education
Define nutrition
Classification of vitamins
Explain the sources, functions and deficiencies of vitamin A
Define communication
List the types and barriers of communication
Write the meaning of the following
Postnatal care
Choose the correct answer from the following
Best method of spacing is i. condom ii. Pessary iii. IUCD iv. Tubectomy
World health day is celebrated every year on i. April 7th ii. June 10th iii. July 7th iv. November 14th
Which of the following is not a minor ailments i. injuries ii. Chest pain in a heart patient iii. Diarrhea iv. Heat stroke and fainting
Which of the following is the method used in physical examination i. palpation ii. Auscultation iii. Percussion iv. All of the above
Write short notes
Under five clinic
Characteristics of a healthy individual
Standing orders in case of fever and diarrhea
Types of records
National immunization schedule
Define community health nurse
Explain the goals and objectives of community health nurse
Write about the principles of community health nursing
Define minor ailments
Explain the principles of managing minor ailments
Define epidemiology
Explain the aims and importance of epidemiology
Fill in the blanks
Deafness is caused by ………….. pollution
Typhoid is a …………. Born disease
Goiter is caused by deficiency of ………….
The ideal number of member for group discussion is …………..
State whether the following statements are true or false
Dengue fever is due to the bite of aedes aegypti mosquito
Thiamine is otherwise known as vitamin B 1
Street play comes in the category of auditory aids
Write short notes
Characteristics of good housing
Explain the role of nurse in counseling
Explain the principles of health education
Disinfection of well
Define nutrition
Write the classification of food
Explain about vitamin A
What is refuse disposal
Explain briefly the different methods of refuse disposal
Give the meaning of the following
Antenatal care
State whether the following are TRUE OR FALSE
Malaria is an example for vector borne disease
A packet of oral contraceptive pills contain 28 pills out of which 21 are contraceptives and 7 are calcium tablets
Diabetes is a communicable disease
DPT is a triple antigen given against diphtheria, purtusis and tetanus
Write short notes
Elements of primary health care
Responsibilities of nurse in referral system
Permanent methods of family planning
Uses of records and reports
Importance of community health nursing
Define home visiting
Enumerate the principles of home visiting
Explain the steps of home visiting
Define MCH care
Explain the role of nurse in mother and child health services
Fill in the blanks
Rickets is the deficiency disease of ………..
The essential tool of communication is …………..
Deficiency of iron leads to …………
The water testing apparatus is ……………..
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Facial expression is a verbal communication
Phosphorus is essential for the formation of bones and teeth
Community noise level is usually measured in terms of decibels
Write short notes
Air pollution
Barriers of communication
Methods of cooking
Protein energy malnutrition
Disposal of solid waste
Define health education
List the principles of health education
Discuss the areas of health eduction in the community
Define audio visual aids
Explain the different types of a audio visual aids
Give the meaning of the following
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
World healthda is celebrated on April 7th
Home visiting is the back bone of all MCH services
A nation wide family planning programme was launched officially in 1997
Calcium is essential for the formation of muscles
Write short notes
Home delivery
Objectives and principles of community health nursing
Difference between institutional nursing care and community nursing care
Objectives of under five clinic
Community health team
Define primary health care
Discuss the role of nurse in primary health care
Define epidemic
Explain the aim and importance of epidemiology
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Report is a method of communication
Proteins are made up of simpler substances called amino acids
Milk is a best source of iron
Soya bean is the poor source of protein among pulses
Fill in the blanks
Television is a ………… communication
The causative organism of cholera is ………….
Iodine deficiency causes …………..
Write short notes
Audio visual aids
Disinfection of wells
Mosquito control
Nutrition for pregnant mother
Health education in community
What is safe and wholesome water
Explain the uses of water
List out the water born diseases
What is a record
List the records used in community settings
Explain the essential requirements of record maintenance
Give the meaning of the following
Community health
Cold chain
Incubation period
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Collection of data about births, deaths, marriages etc is called vital statistics
The recording system is not essential during home visit
Antigen is a substance that stimulates the formation of an antibody
The word hygiene is derived from the greek language
Write short note
Community health team and its function
Cumulative records
Principles of home visiting
Principles of primary health care
Indian strategy for ‘Health for all’
Define epidemiology
Explain the uses of epidemiology
Define community health nursing process
Explain the importance and steps of the community health nursing process
Give the meaning of the following
Sanitary well
Health education
Balanced diet
Food sanitation
State whether the following statements are true or false
Composting is a method of combined disposal of refuse and night soil
Chlorine acts as germicide in water purification
The prime source of water is rivers
Write short notes
Water borne diseases and its prevention
Food adulteration
Serving of food and feeding of helpless patients
Collection and disposal of waste
Barriers of communciation and establishment of successful communciation
Explain the household method of purification of wate r
List the sources of air pollution
Explain the prevention and control of air pollution
List the classification of food
Write the principles of cooking and the methods of cooking
Define the following
Eligible couple
Maternal and child health
State whether the following statements are true or false
Most heat sensitive vaccine is polio
A packet of oral pills contains 28 pills out of which 21 are contraceptives and 7 are iron tablets
The pioneers of immunization are romans
Concept of public health was born in rome
Write short notes
Antenatal clinic
Qualities of a community health nurse
Phases of community health nursing process
Health assessment of infant
Family planning
Define community health nursing
Write the difference between hospital nursing and commmunity health nursing
What is a record
Write the uses and essential requirements of records
Fill in the blanks
An economic method of sewage treatment is …………
Auger is required in construction of ………………
Socratic method is the ……………….
Anaemic patients are advised to take diet rich in ………….
Body language is ………….
Lathyrism is caused by the consumption of ……………
………… is known as poor man’s meat
Write short notes
Contents of health education
Prevention and control of air pollution
Types of communication
Approach to health education
Define calorie
Illustrate the various methods of cooking
a.write the preparation of i. poached egg ii. Tomato soup
a. explain the method of rapid sand filtration
Define the following
Community health nursing
Infant mortality rate
Fill in the blanks
World population day is celebrated on ………….
Dosage of BCG vaccine is …………
First referral unit of primary health centre is ……………
Most heat sensitive vaccine is ………….
Write short notes
Under five clinic
Steps of community health nursing process
Bag technique
National immunization schedule
Disease cycle
Define primary health care
List the elements of primary health care
Explain the role of a nurse in primary health care
How will you treat the below mentioned minor illness
Fill in the blanks
Niacin deficiency results in ……………
Sullage means waste water which does not contain ………
Loudness of noise is measured in ……….
The low cost visual form of communication is ……………
State whether the following statements are true or false
The fluoride content of drinking water is about 0.5 mq/l
Body language is nonverbal communication
One gram of protein yields 9 calories
Write short notes
Food adulteration
Barriers of communication
Audio visual aids
Nurses role as health educator
Protein energy malnutrition
Define safe and whole some water
Explain the disadvantages of hardness of water
Describe the methods of removing hardness of water
Define the following
Primary health care
Fill in the blanks
Anti tobacco day is celebrated on …………….
A sub centre covers a population of …………….
‘I Pill’ is an example of …………….. contraceptive
Universal symbol of nurses is ………………..
Write short notes
Functions of primary health centre
Characteristic of healthy individual
Role of a ASHA worker in maternal and child health services
Standing orders for conditions affecting digestive system
Records and reports
Define home visiting
Enumerate the principles of home visiting
Explain bag technique
Explain the role of community health nurse in control of infectious diseases
State whether the following statements are true or false
One gram of carbohydrate yields 9 calories
Light is measures in terms of decibels
Sleeping sickness is caused due to the bite of sand flea
Essential amino acids are 8 in number which cannot be synthesized in the body
Differentiate between the following
Socratic method and didactic method
Koplik’s spot nd bitot spot
Sewage and sullage
Write short notes
Mosquito control measures
Global warming and its effects
Preservation and storage of food
Methods in health communication
Water borne diseases
Define nutrition
List out the functions and classification of food
Define health education
Briefly explain the contents of health education
Choose the correct answer and write
This is not an element of RCH programme i. antenatal care ii. Geriatric care iii. Prevention of STDs
The reference from a community health centre should be to i. rural hospital ii. District hospital iii. Speciality hospital
The permanent family planning method for male is i. vasectomy ii. Lippes loop iii. Tubectomy
World health day is celebrated every year on i. feb 18th ii. May 12th iii. April 7th
Differentiate between the following
Concurrent disinfection and terminal disinfection
Active immunity and passive immunity
Write short notes
Importance of the community health nursing process
Advantages of breast feeding
Pulse polio programme
Family health record
Responsibilities of school health nurse
List the elements of primary health care
Define postnatal care
List the objectives of postnatal care
What advice will you give to a postnatal mother during your home visit
Fill in the blanks
Protein requirement is …………….. body weight
Koilonychia means ………….
The essential tool of communication is …………..
Flannel graph is grouped under ……………
Malaria is caused by ………..
Contact period for chlorination of water is ………..
Essential amino acids are ……………. In number which cannot be synthesized in the body
Write short notes
Protein energy malnutrition
Food adulteration and food additives
Channels of communication
Disinfection of well
How will you dispose refuse in rural and urban areas
What are A.V. aids
List the advantages of A.V. aids
What type of diet will you advice for a patietn suffering from diabetic mellitus
Give the meaning of the following
Cold chain
Fill in the blanks with suitable answer
7th April celebrated as ……….
The present population of India is ………..
The back bone of community health services is ………..
Permanent method of family planning for female is …………
Write the short notes
Planning and evaluation of home visit
Epidemiological triad
Mode of disease transmission
Elements of primary health care
Functions of a community health nurse in family health services
Write the difference between hospital nursing and community health nursing
Write the principles of community health nursing
Write the characteristics of healthy individual
Explain the method of identifying the deviation from normal
Fill in the blanks
The ideal number of members for group discussion is …………
Body language is ………..
Light is measured in terms of ……….
Cyanogas is used for fumigationof ……………
State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE
Beri beri is caused due to deficienty of thiamine
Lathyrism is caused by the consumptionn of bengal gram
Excess fluorine intake causes skeletal flurosis
Write short notes
Methods of communication
House hold method of purification of water
Prevention of malnutrition
Methods of refuse disposal
Principles of health education
Write classification of vitamins
Explain in detail the sources, function of vitamin A and the effects of deficiency
What is balanced diet
Explain the method of improving an ill balanced diet
What is direct and indirect method of disease transmission
Write the preventive and control measures of anapheles mosquitoes which causes malaria
Give the meaning of the following
Antenatal woman
Expand ASHA
Joint family
State whether the following statements are true or false
Nursing process helps to identify the actual and potential health problems
BCG and polio are example of killed vaccine
Epidemiological triad means interaction between man, agent and environment
Tubectomy is the permanent method of family planning in families
Write short notes
Indicators of health
Referral system
Level of prevention of diseases
Types and uses of records
Balanced diet
Hoursing standards
Define communicable diseases
Explain the mode of transmission of communicable diseases
Define community health nursing
Explain objectives and principles of community health nursing
Fill in the blanks
Radio talk is an example of ……………. Communication
Deficiency of …………….. in diet leads to goitre
Disposal of waste by burning is called as …………
Exchange of air between indoor and outdoor is called as …………….
State whether the following statements are true or false
The waste water which does not contain human excreta is called sullage
Anthropometric measurements are not valuable indicators of nutritional status
31st may is celebrated as world ‘No tobacco day’
Write short notes
Communication process
Purification of water at domestic level
Objectives of health education
Methods of cooking
Advantages of home visiting
Define health education
List the methods of health education
Explain the role of nurse in health education
Define vitamins
Classification of vitamins
Explain the sources, functions of vitamins to maintain health