by | Jul 10, 2024 | MEDICAL MCQ | 0 comments

These mcqs are prepared exclusively for medical professionals for exam preparation. MCQ is helpful to remember the concept on community health nursing mcq quiz. This multiple choice questions are helpful for preparation for DHA, PROMETRIC, MOH, HAAD, NCLEX, Medical, NEET and Nursing EXAMINATION


1. Which of the following is a primary focus of community health nursing?

A. Individual patient care
B. Family health
C. Hospital-based care
D. Population health

Answer: D. Population health
Rationale: Community health nursing focuses on the health of entire populations or communities, promoting health and preventing disease across groups.

2. What is the main goal of primary prevention in community health nursing?

A. Treating existing illnesses
B. Preventing the occurrence of illness
C. Rehabilitating patients
D. Managing chronic diseases

Answer: B. Preventing the occurrence of illness
Rationale: Primary prevention aims to prevent the onset of disease or injury before it occurs, through measures such as vaccination and health education.

3. Which of the following is an example of a secondary prevention strategy?

A. Immunization programs
B. Cancer screening
C. Rehabilitation services
D. Health education

Answer: B. Cancer screening
Rationale: Secondary prevention involves early detection and prompt intervention to control disease progression, such as cancer screening to detect tumors early.

4. What role does a community health nurse play in a disaster response team?

A. Conducting surgery
B. Providing emergency shelter
C. Coordinating public health efforts
D. Repairing infrastructure

Answer: C. Coordinating public health efforts
Rationale: Community health nurses coordinate public health efforts, including assessment, planning, and implementation of health services during a disaster.

5. Which of the following best describes the concept of “health promotion”?

A. Treating acute illnesses
B. Diagnosing diseases
C. Enhancing well-being and preventing disease
D. Managing chronic conditions

Answer: C. Enhancing well-being and preventing disease
Rationale: Health promotion involves activities aimed at improving overall health and preventing disease through lifestyle changes, education, and supportive environments.

6. The concept of “community as client” in community health nursing emphasizes:

A. Individual patient care
B. Focus on individual families
C. Providing care in hospital settings
D. Assessing and addressing community-wide health needs

Answer: D. Assessing and addressing community-wide health needs
Rationale: “Community as client” means viewing the community as a whole and addressing the health needs and concerns of the entire population.

7. Which of the following is an example of a tertiary prevention activity?

A. Blood pressure screening
B. Health education about smoking cessation
C. Cardiac rehabilitation
D. Flu vaccination

Answer: C. Cardiac rehabilitation
Rationale: Tertiary prevention focuses on reducing the impact of an already established disease by restoring function and reducing complications, such as cardiac rehabilitation after a heart attack.

8. In community health nursing, which assessment tool is commonly used to identify health needs within a community?

A. Physical examination
B. Health surveys
C. Lab tests
D. Imaging studies

Answer: B. Health surveys
Rationale: Health surveys are commonly used to gather data on the health status, behaviors, and needs of a community, helping to identify priorities for intervention.

9. Which of the following is a key component of effective health education?

A. Using complex medical terminology
B. Providing information in a one-way communication format
C. Tailoring the message to the audience’s literacy level
D. Focusing only on disease prevention

Answer: C. Tailoring the message to the audience’s literacy level
Rationale: Effective health education involves tailoring messages to the audience’s literacy level to ensure comprehension and encourage positive health behaviors.

10. Community health nurses often work with vulnerable populations. Which of the following is considered a vulnerable population?

A. Middle-aged adults with full-time employment
B. College students
C. Homeless individuals
D. Young children in daycare

Answer: C. Homeless individuals
Rationale: Vulnerable populations, such as homeless individuals, are at higher risk for health problems and often have limited access to healthcare resources.

11. What is the purpose of epidemiology in community health nursing?

A. To treat individual patients
B. To study disease distribution and determinants in populations
C. To conduct laboratory experiments
D. To focus on surgical interventions

Answer: B. To study disease distribution and determinants in populations
Rationale: Epidemiology involves studying the distribution and determinants of diseases in populations, helping to identify risk factors and guide public health interventions.

12. Which of the following is an important skill for a community health nurse conducting home visits?

A. Ability to perform complex surgical procedures
B. Strong communication and assessment skills
C. Advanced pharmacology knowledge
D. Expertise in laboratory testing

Answer: B. Strong communication and assessment skills
Rationale: Community health nurses need strong communication and assessment skills to effectively interact with clients in their homes and identify health needs.

13. How does community health nursing differ from public health nursing?

A. Focuses on individual patient care only
B. Provides care in hospital settings
C. Emphasizes community-wide health initiatives
D. Excludes preventive care

Answer: C. Emphasizes community-wide health initiatives
Rationale: Both community health nursing and public health nursing emphasize community-wide health initiatives, but community health nursing often involves more direct client care within the community.

14. Which of the following is a common setting for community health nursing practice?

A. Intensive care units
B. Operating rooms
C. Schools
D. Research laboratories

Answer: C. Schools
Rationale: Community health nurses work in various settings, including schools, where they can promote health and provide care to students.

15. What is the primary goal of health promotion programs in the workplace?

A. To increase employee wages
B. To enhance productivity
C. To improve the health and well-being of employees
D. To reduce the number of work hours

Answer: C. To improve the health and well-being of employees
Rationale: Health promotion programs in the workplace aim to improve employees’ health and well-being, leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.

16. Which of the following factors is most likely to influence the health of a community?

A. Climate
B. Healthcare policies
C. Individual genetic makeup
D. Employment rates

Answer: B. Healthcare policies
Rationale: Healthcare policies significantly influence community health by determining access to care, funding for health services, and public health initiatives.

17. The community health nurse’s role in advocacy involves:

A. Conducting diagnostic tests
B. Prescribing medications
C. Representing and supporting clients’ health interests
D. Performing surgical procedures

Answer: C. Representing and supporting clients’ health interests
Rationale: Advocacy involves representing and supporting clients’ health interests to ensure they receive necessary services and support.

18. Which type of data is essential for a community health needs assessment?

A. Individual patient charts
B. Community health statistics
C. Hospital admission records
D. Medical research studies

Answer: B. Community health statistics
Rationale: Community health statistics provide essential data on the health status and needs of a population, guiding the development of health programs and interventions.

19. Which organization is primarily responsible for public health at the international level?

A. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
B. World Health Organization (WHO)
C. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
D. American Medical Association (AMA)

Answer: B. World Health Organization (WHO)
Rationale: The World Health Organization (WHO) is responsible for international public health, coordinating efforts to address global health issues.

20. The role of community health nurses in chronic disease management includes:

A. Conducting surgical procedures
B. Providing acute care in hospitals
C. Educating clients about disease management and prevention
D. Administering anesthesia

Answer: C. Educating clients about disease management and prevention
Rationale: Community health nurses educate clients about managing and preventing chronic diseases, helping them to maintain and improve their health.