- Define community health nursing. Explain the principles of community health nursing
- Define family health. explain the objectives of home visiting. Principles of home visiting
- What are the uses of epidemiology. Explain the steps to be followed in the investigation of an epidemic.
- What are the objectives of family health services. Explain the temporary methods of family planning
- Explain the health care delivery system in India at the central level
- Define school health services. What are the objectives of school health services. Explain the role of a nurse in health appraisal at school
- Define primary health care. List the elements of primary health care. Explain the principles of primary health care
- Define health education. Enlist the principles of health education. Explain the methods of health education
- Define epidemiology. Explain the theories and models of epidemiology
- Define community health nursing. What are the objectives of community health nursing. Explain the principles of community health nursing
- List down the voluntary organizations in India. Explain the role of these organizations in health care of the community
- Define health team. List the members of health team in community. Explain the responsibilities of public health nurse
- Define vital statistics. Explain the methods of compiling vital statistics
- Explain the role of nurse in family welfare programme
- Objectives of early neonatal care
- Causes and prevention of silicosis
- Explain the elements of primary health care
- Types of communication
- Explain the causes of MMR
- Uses of epidemiology
- Principles of health education
- Functions of voluntary health agencies
- Barriers of communication
- Indian Red Cross
- Benefits to employees under ESI scheme
- List the sources of vital statistics and explain any two
- Rules and regulations of MTP Act, 1971
- Steps in Community diagnosis
- Medical measures for prevention of occupational diseases
- Uses of epidemiology
- Aspects of school health programme
- Importance of vital statistics
- Staffing pattern in primary health care
- Goals to be achieved by National Health Policy 2002
- Preventive measures of protein energy malnutrition
- Barriers of communication
- Communicable diseases
- Public health legislation
- Indicators of MCH care
- Management of information system
- Indian system of medicine
- Care of sick in the home
- Role of a female health assistant in community
- Ayush
- Methods of health education
- Activities of national family welfare program
- Supervision of health care workers
- Explain the epidemiological triad
- MTP Act
- Techniques of communication
- Methods of supervising health workers
- Principles of health education
- Elements of primary health care
- Central health council
- Graphical presentations of data
- Public health legislation
- Scope of community health nursing
- Growth chart
- Community nursing process
- Mode of disease transmission
- Supervision
- National mental health programme
- Spectrum of health
- Methods of solid waste disposal
- Types of epidemiology
- Blindness control programme
- Health administration at district level
- Acute respiratory infection
- Principles of supervision
- Phases of weaning
- Define health education
- Sources of vital and health statistics
- Intervention of primary prevention
- Causes of low birth weight
- List the chemical hazards in occupation
- Distinguish between data and information
- Differences between surveillance and monitoring
- List the four functions of WHO
- Guidelines for selection of ASHA
- Define epidemiology
- Functions of ILO
- Uses of Anecdotal records
- List the principles of primary health care
- Define maternal mortality rate
- Target population
- What is farmer’s lung
- Methods of mass media education
- What are standing orders
- Community assessment
- Vaccine vial monitor
- Define prevalence
- Functions of Red cross
- Importance of family coping index
- Principles for the preparation of Mid day meals
- Define eligible couple
- Vitamin A prophylaxis programme
- Beneficiaries of sub centre
- Census
- Active immunity
- Death rate
- Intra uterine devices
- Flannel graph board
- Vital statistics
- Rural health services
- National immunization schedule
- Mention the salient features of Ayurveda
- Objectives of national health policy
- Define occupational health
- Secondary prevention
- List the maternity benefits in ESI
- Define cases and controls
- Define ergonomics
- Define epidemic
- List the activities of red cross society
- Define health management and information system
- Multisectoral approach
- Family coping index
- Phases of working relationship
- Sample registration system
- Functions of subcentre
- First referral unit
- List down four voluntary organizations of India
- Pneumoconiosis
- Objective3s of Ante-natal care
- Baby friendly hospital
- Fertility
- MTP act
- Hazards of immunization
- Objectives of school health programme
- Cold chain
- APGAR Score
- Handicap
- Ecology
- Heat syncope
- Mid arm circumference
- Primary health care
- Net reproduction rate
- Counseling