by | Apr 25, 2024 | Nursing Important Questions | 0 comments


Give the meaning of the following

a)      Warm chain

b)      Infant

c)       Intussusception

d)      Acrocyanosis

Fill in the blanks

a)      The period from birth to 28 days of life is called …………….

b)      Child labour Act was initiated in the year ………………..

c)       The weight of an infant doubles at the age of …………………

d)      ………………… is the disease caused by deficiency of protein in the diet

Write short notes

a)      Physiological Jaundice

b)      Hypothermia in Neonates

c)       Immunization schedule

d)      Prevention of Accidents among children

a)      Define Pyloric Stenosis

b)      List the clinical manifestations and complications of Pyloric Stenosis

c)       Discuss the pre and post operative care of a child, posted for the surgery of Pyloric Stenosis

a)      Define Congenital Anomaly

b)      List the types of congenital Anomalies

c)       Discuss the role of a nurse in the care of a child with Cleft lip

a)      Define low birth weight baby

b)      Explain the nursing management of a low birth weight baby


State whether the following statements of TRUE or FALSE

a)      Lateral curvature of the spine is called as Lordosis

b)      Strabismus is also called as crossed eye appearance

c)       Scurvy is the deficiency disease of vitamin ‘B’

d)      Malaria is an Arthopode borne infection caused by plasmodium vivax

Choose the correct answer and write

a)      Oral polio vaccine is a type of

i)                    Live Attenuated vaccine

ii)                   Killed vaccine

iii)                 Toxoid

b)      Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of

i)                    Vitamin B

ii)                   Vitamin D

iii)                 Vitamin A

c)       The drug of choice for neonatal convulsion is

i)                    Phenobarbitone

ii)                   Valporate

iii)                 Phenyltoin

Write short notes

a)      Management of child with HIV infection

b)      Convulsions in Neonates

c)       Management of urinary tract infection

d)      Preventative measures of Dengue fever

e)      Management of a child with Lukaemia

a)      Define Meningitis

b)      List the causes, signs and symptoms of Meningitis

c)       Explain the Nursing management of a child with Meningitis

a)      Define Appendicitis

b)      List the causes, signs and symptoms of Appendicitis

c)       Discuss the nurse’s role in the pre and post operative care of the child, posted for Appendicectomy


Give the meaning of the following

a)      Growth

b)      Pica

c)       Neonate

d)      Otitis Media

Fill in the blanks

a)      Whooping cough is caused by …………….

b)      Pathological Jaundice appears within ………… hours after birth

c)       Anterior fontanelle normally closes at the age of …………. months

d)      The period from birth to one year is called ………………….

Write short notes

a)      Trends in paediatric nursing

b)      Neonatal hypothermia

c)       Phototherapy

d)      Assessment of new born

e)      Physiological Jaundice

a)       Define congenital heart diseases

b)      List the types of congenital heart disease

c)       Explain the management of a child with congenital heart disease

a)      Define Pyloric stenosis

b)      List the clinical manifestations of Pyloric stenosis

c)       Explain the nursing management of a child with Pyloric stenosis

a)      Define Hydrocephalus

b)      List the clinical features of Hydrocephalus

c)       Explain the management of a child with Hydrocephalus


Choose the correct answer and write

a)      Circumcision is the surgical procedure performed for

i)                    Wilm’s Tumor

ii)                   Phimosis

iii)                 Exstrophy of bladder

b)      Vitamin – C deficiency causes

i)                    Night blindness

ii)                   Rickets

iii)                 Scurvy

c)       Drug of choice for neonatal convulsion is

i)                    Valporate

ii)                   Phenytoin

iii)                 Phenobarbitone

State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE

a)      Blepharitis is a disease associated with throat condition

b)      Decreased platelet count is termed as thrombocytopenia

c)       Lardosis is the forward curvature of the lumbar vertebrae

d)      Decreased calcium level in the blood is called as Hypoglycaemia

Write short notes

a)      Nursing care of a child with colostomy

b)      Management of a dehydrated child

c)       Restraints

d)      Immunization schedule

e)      Importance of play

a)      Define Glomerulo nephritis

b)      Enumerate the signs and symptoms of Glomerulo nephritis

c)       Discuss the management of a child with Glomerulo nephritis

a)      Define Encephalitis

b)      List the clinical manifestations of encephalitis

c)       Explain the nursing management of a child with Encephalitis


Give the meaning for the following

a)      Hypothermia

b)      Weaning

c)       Asphyxia

d)      Thumb sucking

Fill in the blanks

a)      The child labour act was initiated in the year ………….

b)      BCG vaccine is given at …………….

c)       …………….is the condition caused by deficiency of  Vitamin – A

d)      ……………..refers to eating non- edible substances like dusk, flakes of paint & plaster etc.

Write short notes

a)      Rights of the Child

b)      Nephrotic Syndrome

c)       Factors affecting growth & development

d)      Role of Paediatric Nurse in child care

e)      Management of child with Bronchial Asthma

f)       Importance of play

a)      Define Premature baby

b)      Write the characteristics of Premature baby

c)       Explain in  detail the Nursing Management of premature baby

a)      Define Neonatal Jaundice

b)      Mention the classification of Neonatal Jaundice

c)       Discuss the role of Nurse n care of a child with Neonatal Jaundice

a)      Define Congenital heart disease

b)      List the types of Congenital heart disease

c)       Explain in detail the Nursing Management of a child with Congenital heart disease


Choose the correct answer from the following

a)      Chicken pox is acute & highly communicable disease caused by

i)                    Varicella-Zoster

ii)                   Herper-Zoster

iii)                 Arbovirus

b)      Candidiasis is caused by

i)                    Fungus

ii)                   Virus

iii)                 Bacteria

c)       Skin disease commonly found in school children is

i)                    Scabies

ii)                   Dermatitis

iii)                 Impetigo

State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE

a)      Deficiency of Vitamin – D leads to scurvy

b)      Inflammation of Outer Ear is known as Otitis media

c)       Haemophilia is a bleeding disorder

d)      Regular anthropometric measurements are valuable to find out malnutrition

Write short notes

a)      Juvenile delinquency

b)      Under-Five clinic

c)       Newborn Resuscitation

d)      Care of child with anemia

e)      Worm infestations

f)       Protein – malnutrition (PEM)

a)      Define Epilepsy

b)      Write the classification, causes & clinical features of Epilepsy

c)       Explain in detail the management of a child with Status epilepticus

a)      Define Malabsorption syndrome

b)      List the causes & clinical features of Malabsorption syndrome

c)       Explain in detail the medical & Nursing Management of child with Malabsorption syndrome

a)      Define Appendicitis

b)      List three clinical features of Appendicitis

c)       Discuss pre & post operative Nursing Management of a child undergone Appendicectomy.