Wound healing
Pre-operative preparation
Stages of Shock
Nursing management of the patient with unconsciousness.
Pain management
Edema (2 marks)
Bronchial asthma
Pulmonary tuberculosis.DOTS
Pleural effusion
Intercostal drainage
Pneumothorax (2 marks)
Mantoux test
Chest injuries.Haemothorax
Flail chest
Hiatal hernia
Peptic ulcer disease
Intestinal obstruction
Ulcerative colitis
Colostomy care
2 marks:
Anal fistula
Dumping syndrome
Cirrhosis of liver
Hepatic failure
Esophageal varicies
2 marks
Pancreatitic cyst
- Explain the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of burns. Describe the management of patient for the first 24 hours. List the complications of burns
- Define hemiplegia. What are the causes, signs and symptoms? Explain in detail the management of client with hemiplegia
- Define mastoiditis. List the causes of mastoiditis. Explain the post operative nursing management of patient who has mastoidectomy
- Define CCF. Write the clinical manifestations based on pathophysiological changes. Explain the medical and nursing management of a patient by using nursing process
- Define ASOM. Explain the pathophysiology of ASOM. Write the nursing management of patient based on two priority problems
- Define COPD. List the clinical manifestations of COPD. Write in detail about pathophysiology of COPD
- Describe the causes of bronchitis. Explain the medical and nursing management of a client with bronchitis.
- Define epilepsy. Discuss the stages of convulsions. Explain the nursing management of a client during a convulsive attack
- Define hemiplegia. What are the causes, signs and symptoms? Explain in detail the management of a client with hemiplegia
- What are the causes of rheumatic heart disease? Enumerate the pathophysiological changes. Explain in detail the management of rheumatic heart disease.
- Define Glaucoma. What are the causes explain in detail, medical, surgical and nursing management
- What are the causes and signs and symptoms of glaucoma. Explain the treatment modalities. Explain he nurses role in rehabilitation.
- Explain the etiological factors of respiratory failure. Describe the medial and nursing management of a client with respiratory failure
- Define the term cerebrovascular accident CCVA. List the etiological factors and clinical manifestations of CVA.
- Explain the pathophysiological changes in chronic suppurative otitis media. Describe the medical and nursing management of patient. List the complications of chronic suppurative otitis media
- What is bronchial asthma. Explain pathophysiology and clinical manifestations in bronchial asthma. Describe the medical and nursing management of a patient with bronchial asthma
- Define meningitis. List out the etiological factors of meningitis. Explain the pathophysiological basis of signs and symptoms of meningitis. Write in detail the nursing care plan for a patient with meningitis.
- Discuss the risk factors, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and the interventions during the acute phase of stroke. Write a note on the rehabilitative nursing interventions for a hemiplegic patient
- Discuss the types, manifestations and the surgical procedures of otitis media. Explain the rehabilitation of a hearing impaired person
- List the seven warning signs of cancer. Discuss the clinical manifestations and the chemotherapeutic intervention of acute leukemia. Write a note on bone marrow and stem cell transplantation
- What is cataract. What are the clinical features and diagnostic measures. Explain the surgical and nursing management of cataract
- Define myocardial Infarction. Enumerate etiology and risk factors of myocardial infarcation.
- Enumerate the clinical features of head injury. List the complications of head injury. Explain the nursing management of head injury for first 48 hours
- Define cataract. Discuss the surgical management of cataract. Explain the pre and post operative nursing management of patient
- Define tonsillitis. List the causes and complications of tonsillitis. Explain the nursing management of a patient for the first 24 hours after tonsillectomy
- List the warning signs of cancer. Briefly explain the modalities of treatment for patient with cancer. Explain the role of a nurse in palliative care
- Enlist the types of brain tumors. Differentiate benign and malignant tumors of brain. Explain the pre and post operative management of client undergoing craniostomy surgery for removal of brain tumor
- Discuss pathophysiology of EDH. Discuss the preparation of patient for craniotomy and evacuation of EDH
- What is tracheostomy. List the indications of tracheostomy. List the complications and nursing management of patient
- Define CVA. Clinical manifestations based on pathophysiological changes. Write the nursing management
- List the causes of RHD. Enumerate the pathophysiological changes. Explain in detail the management of RHD
- Tonsillitis
- Epistaxis
- Guilliain – Barre syndrome
- Infertility
- Describe the role of nurse in disaster management
- National blindness control program
- Psychosocial aspects of cancer
- Staffing norms in critical care units
- Ethical and legal aspects in critical care units
- Types of deafness
- Mastoiditis
- Causes of blindness
- Surgical approaches of Glaucoma
- Pericarditis
- Bronchiectasis
- Nursing management of unconscious patient
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Nursing management of a patient with epileptic seizures
- Tracheostomy care
- Rhinitis
- Management of glaucoma
- Cardiac tamponade
- Mechanical ventilation
- Pathophysiology of COPD
- Levels of unconsciousness
- Quadriplegia
- Complications of PTB
- Etiology of coronary artery disease
- Foreign body in the eye
- Otitis media
- Laryngitis
- Deviated nasal septum
- Adenoiditis
- Pharyngitis
- Tonsillitis
- Cystic lung
- Cardiac arrest
- Hypoxia
- Nursing care of client with corneal injury
- Inter costal drainage
- Otosclerosis
- Urethral stricture
- Cystitis
- Metroragia
- Uterine displacement
- Encephalitis
- Mayasthenia gravis
- Cardiac pace maker
- Pharyngitis
- Hearing aids
- Complications of head injury
- Prosthetic heart valves
- Levels of unconsciousness
- Risk factors of coronary artery disease
- Cataract
- Corneal transplantation
- Deviated nasal septum
- Glasgow coma scale
- Intake and output chart
- Corticosteroids
- Cranial nerve examination
- Crisis intervention
- Impacted wax
- Refractive errors
- Psychosocial impact of serious burns
- Cerebral angiography
- Explain clinical features and management of glaucoma.
- Explain the pre operative and post operative management of a patient with tonsillectomy
- Explain the management of Menniers disease
- Nursing management of patient with Pleural effusion
- Causes and diagnostic evaluation in endocarditis
- Clinical features and management of bronchial asthma
- Nursing management of hemiplegia
- Nursing care after Laminectomy
- Nursing care of unconscious patient
- Health education for a patient with epilepsy
- Pathophysiology changes in glaucoma
- Nursing management of a patient with tracheostomy
- Steps of breast self examination
- Chronic otitis media
- Common side effects of chemotherapy and its management
- Common health problems of the elderly and its management
- Infection control in critical care unit
- Causes and types of disaster
- What are causes of meningitis
- Explain the types of hearing loss
- Explain the medical and nursing management of a client with parkinson’s disease
- Define Dysmenorrhea. List the clinical manifestations and explain the management
- Define contraception. Explain the spacing methods and permanent methods of contraception
- Methods of infection control in critical care unit
- List the types of radiotherapy and complications associated with it
- What is a Snellen’s chart? Explain the types of refractive errors of eye
- Explain the non pharmacological measures of pain reduction
- Stem cell therapy
- Clinical features of meningitis
- Reconstructive surgeries
- Post traumatic stress disorder
- Food poisoning
- Lumbar puncture
- Aphasias
- Injuries and infections of eye
- Endocarditis
- Cardiac catheterization
- Electrocardiogram
- Respiratory failure
- Drugs used in pulmonary tuberculosis
- Deviated Nasal Septum
- Drugs used in cardiology
- Level of unconsciousness
- Otosclerosis
- Retinal detachment
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Permanent methods of sterilization
- Physical setup of critical care units
- Respiratory emergencies
- Principles of critical care nursing
- CPR – advance cardiac life support
- Tympanic membrane perforation
- Delirium
- Cystocele
- Autograft
- Radiography
- Mantoux test
- Electroencephalography (EEG)
- Metrorrhagia
- Pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis
- Implanted hearing devices
- Quinsy
- Eye irrigation
- Intra Ocular Pressure
- Emphysema
- Adenoiditis
- Snellen’s Chart
- Epistaxis
- Paraplegia
- Brain Abscess
- Aphasia
- Arterial blood gas analysis
- Home care of Ac. Pharyngitis
- Defibrillation
- Signs and symptoms of spinal cord compression
- Complications of laryngitis
- Indications of corneal transplant
- Rehabilitation for blindness
- Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest
- Pathophysiology of Atelectasis
- Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Endocarditis
- Epilepsy
- Aphasia
- Emphysema
- Atelectasis
- Cerebral compression
- Sinusitis
- Myocarditis
- Cataract
- Cornea
- Warning signs of carcinoma
- Preoperative preparation of keratoplasty
- Foreign body in ear
- Local anesthetic agents
- Role of surgery in carcinoma
- Echo cardiogram
- History taking
- Scrubbing
- Surgical asepsis pneumothorax
- Intensive care records
- Aphasia
- Quadriplegia
- Mantoux test
- Meningitis
- Quinsy
- Infections of eye
- Digoxin
- Tonometry
- Amenorrhoea
- Radiotherapy
- Frost bite
- Post traumatic stress disorder
- Epistaxis
- Audiogram
- Infertility
- TNM staging system
- Neurogenic shock
- Cushing’s ulcer (stress ulcers)
- Types of meningitis
- Components of Glasgow coma scale
- Clinical features of cystic fibrosis
- Define emphysema
- Indications to measure central venous pressure (CVP)
- Indications for Tread Mill Test (TMT)
- How to remove foreign bodies from the eye?
- Causes of Epistaxis
- What is a Nasal polyp
- List the cardinal features of meningitis
- List the principles of critical care
- Define infertility. List the causes
- Hospice care
- Dementia
- Quadriplegia
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Peritonsillar abscess
- Define Pap smear. List the indications of PAP smear
- What is Stem Cell therapy
- What is Mammography and list the indications for Mammography
- The types of burns reconstructive surgeries
- List the principles of critical care
- Mention any four anti epileptic drugs with the dosage
- What is Rectocele and Cystocele
- Any two formulas for fluid calculation in burns
- Dementia
- Defibrillation
- Increased ICP
- Eye banking
- Industrial health disorders
- Conjunctivitis
- Sinusitis
- Signs and symptoms of parkinson’s disease
- Fine needle aspiration
- Lumbar puncture
- Pre operative teaching
- Signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest
- Meniere’s disease
- Laryngeal obstruction
- Headache
- Chorea
- Toxic shock syndrome
- Immunotherapy
- Policies of critical care units
- Cognitive aspects of aging
- Paraplegia
- Emphysema