- Explain in detail about current trends and scope of mental health nursing
- List the various clinical features of obsessive compulsive disorder. Write a note on management of patient with OCD
- Define ECT. Describe care of patient before, during and after ECT
- Define mental retardation. List the clinical manifestation of mental retardation. Nursing management
- Define Bipolar disorder. Explain the management of a patient with severe depression
- Define substance abuse. Explain the management of a patient with alcoholic dependence syndrome
- Define therapeutic communication. List the phases of therapeutic nurse patient relationship.
- What is obsessive compulsive neurosis. List the clinical types of OCD. Explain the nursing management of client with OCD
- List the different methods of treating a mentally ill client. What are the levels of preventing mental illness. explain role of a nurse in preventive psychiatry
- Enumerate the causative factors of organic brain syndrome. Write the nurse role in management of patient with delirium
- What is mental illness. enumerate the classification of mental disorders
- Briefly explain the role of a nurse in preventive psychiatry
- Mental health act
- List the rights of a mentally ill client
- Management of a child with mental retardation
- What are the characteristics of mentally healthy person
- What are the nursing interventions for a client with mania
- Define mental illness. explain in detail the etiological factors of mental disorders
- Explain management of patient with suicidal tendency
- Explain signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder and briefly explain nursing management
- Describe etiological factors and signs and symptoms of childhood autism
- Explain suggested recreational activities for psychiatric disorders
- Crisis intervention techniques
- Psychosis vs neurosis
- Enlist the types of schizophrenia and explain any one in detail
- Describe the concept of normal and abnormal behavior
- Explain the phases of nurse patient relationship
- Explain the admission procedure of mentally ill client
- Enlist the techniques of therapeutic communication
- Describe the clinical picture of bulimia nervosa
- Define conduct disorder and explain etiological factors of conduct disorder
- Explain the objectives and approaches of national mental health programme
- Enlist types of schizophrenia.
- Define mental health team. Explain the function of each member
- Define somatoform disorders and explain the nursing management
- Briefly explain process recording and its importance
- Define alcohol dependence syndrome. Explain the clinical features of a client in alchol withdrawal state
- Define dementia. Explain the stages of dementia
- Enlist the types of schizophrenia and explain in detail about paranoid schizophrenia
- Clinical types of OCD
- Mental status examination
- Define sexual disorders and explain its types
- Define crisis and explain crisis intervention
- Define family therapy, indication and it types
- Classification of antipsychotics, indication and its contraindications
- Qualities and role of a mental health nurse
- Meaning of token economy
- Indications of group therapy
- Meaning and types of mania
- Meaning of multiple personality
- List the personality disorders
- What are the drugs commonly used for mood disorder
- Meaning of flight of ideas
- Types of conversion disorders
- Types of organic brain disorders
- What is the meaning of neologism
- Define infantile autism
- What is systematic desensitization
- Difference between delusion and illusion
- What is confabulation
- Define therapeutic milieu
- List any four techniques of behavioral therapy
- Meaning of tangentiality
- List four stages of mania
- What are the levels of prevention
- What is displacement
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- List five symptoms of mania
- Define anxiety
- List the symptoms of severe depression
- State five important side effects of lithium
- Differentiate echolalia and echopraxia
- Define crisis
- What is ADHD
- What is detoxification in substance abuse
- Types of delusions
- What is echopraxia
- Indications of hypnosis
- What is abreaction
- Types of phobia
- Define kleptomania
- What is narcotics
- What is hallucinations
- Define confabulation
- Meaning of enuresis
- Name five neurotransmitters that causes mental illness
- Define crisis
- List five behavior therapy techniques
- Differences between obsession and compulsion
- Define stress
- List four important side effects of antipsychotics
- Differentiate illusion and hallucination
- Define insight
- Dejavu
- Encopresis
- Child guidance clinic
- Marital schism
- Alcoholics anonymous
- Milieu therapy
- Social phobia
- Family therapy
- Flooding
- Persecutory delusion
- Insight
- Non verbal communication
- Maturational crisis
- Hyper active disorder
- Intelligence
- Ambivalence
- Restating
- Perception
- Transference
- Grief process
- Flight of ideas
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Conversion deafness
- Double bind communication
- Over the counter drugs