- Define sampling technique. List out types of sampling techniques. Explain any one type in detail
- What is research design. Discuss the experimental research design in brief
- Explain steps of research process
- Define research design. List the types of experimental research design. Explain true experimental research design.
- Define sampling. Explain probability sampling technique.
- Explain the sources of research problem. Explain the criteria of a good research problem
- Define nursing research. Explain the characteristics of a good nursing research.
- What is research design. Explain the experimental research designs in detail
- List out different types of data collection method. Explain briefly any one method of data collection
- Explain nursing research. Explain the characteristics of a good nursing research.
- What is research design. Explain the experimental research designs in detail
- List out different types of data collection method. Explain briefly any one method of data collection
- Define nursing research. Write the steps of quantitative research process.
- Define research design. What are the characteristics of true experimental research. Describe Quasi-experimental design.
- List the sources of research problem. What are the criteria for selecting a research problem
- What are the criteria’s to be considered for formulating the statement of the problem
- Explain the major types of data collection methods
- Define variable and explain the types of variables with suitable examples
- Discuss in detail probability sampling
- Explain the methods of data collection
- Define nursing research and explain the characteristics of good research
- Questionnaire method
- Check list
- Item analysis
- Application of statistics in nursing profession
- Measures of central tendency
- Normal probability curve
- Review of literature
- Processing of data
- Guidelines for tabulation
- Reliability of the instrument
- Characteristic and classification of hypothesis
- Advantages and disadvantages of questionnaire
- Steps in review of literature
- Explain the guidelines for writing research report
- Line and scatter diagram
- Frequency distribution of data
- Uses of statistics in research
- Utilization of research findings
- Uses of computer in nursing research
- Rating scale
- Reliability of the instrument
- Sources of research problem
- Frequency distribution of data
- Normal probability curve
- Stratified random sampling technique
- Coefficient of correlation
- Sources of review of literature
- Non probability sampling
- Scale of measurement
- Questionnaire
- Validity of a tool
- Steps in writing research report
- Measures of central tendency
- Chi-square test
- Pie diagram
- Systematic sampling
- Range
- Deductive reasoning
- Coefficient of correlation
- Median
- List four characteristics of a good table
- Semantic differential scale
- Sources of problem selection
- Explain the criteria’s for stating the research objective
- Characteristics of true experimental design
- Advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research methods
- Factors influencing sampling process
- Role of computer in nursing research
- Uses of statistics in nursing research
- Write in detail the scales of measurement
- Types of research design
- Graphical presentation of data
- Sources of hypothesis
- Validity of the instrument
- Statistical packages
- Use of statistics
- Methods of literature review
- Descriptive statistics
- Validity
- Variables
- Historical research
- Population
- Steps in writing research report
- List the criteria of good research problem
- Frequency polygon
- Karl pearsons correction co-efficient
- Pilot study
- Statistical data
- Define review of literature
- Mean
- Sampling criteria
- Tabulation
- Statistics
- Median
- Phenomenological research design
- Pilot study
- Standard deviation
- Nominal scale
- Convenience sampling
- Setting of the study
- Accessible population
- Reliability
- Null hypothesis
- Range
- Variance
- Median
- Central tendency
- ‘t’ – Test
- Population
- Independent variable
- Purpose of nursing research
- Sampling error
- Mode
- Frequency curve
- Prospective and retrospective studies
- Central tendency
- Participant and non participant observation
- Tabulation
- Dependent variable
- Population
- Range
- Define research
- List the types of observation techniques
- List the measures of central tendency
- Example of computerized database
- Define qualitative research design
- Coding the data
- Standard deviation