URINARY Catheter
Incontinent males may wear a condom catheter to collect urinary drainage. This device consists of a condom ( a thin, flexible rubber or plastic sheath worn over the penis) connected to the tubing which drains into a collection bag.
When the individual is ambulatory, a leg bag collects the urine.
When in bed, an indwelling catheter bag is used.
The bags are washed daily with soap and water. Vinegar soaks may be used to alleviate bacterial growth.
A condom drainage kit containing
A drainage condom made of plastic or rubber.
Elastic tape. Ordinary tape is contraindicated because it is not flexible and stop blood flow.
Skin paste or tincture of benzoin plasticized skin spray may also be used, it is more readily removed and less likely to irritate the skin.
Skin bonding cement, also called spin prep.
Applicator swabs or tongue depressors.
A razor.
Extension tubing.
A leg drainage bag or swab.
1. Position the client in either a supine or a bed sitting position, and cover the client’s body with the bed clothes, exposing only the penis.
2. Inspect the penis for skin irritation excoriation, swelling or discoloration.
3. Clean the genital area, and dry it thoroughly, to minimize skin irritation and excoriation after the condom is applied.
4. Shave or trim any hair on the base or the penis unless a skin protector is being applied.
5. Remove the protective film from the underside of plastic skin protector to the base of penis. Then remove the protective film from the anterior surface of the skin protector.
6. Role the condom smoothly over the penis, leaving 2.5 cm between the end of penis of the rubber or plastic connecting tube make sure that no pubic hair is caught in the condom. On some models, the condom is rolled first so that the inner flap is exposed, which is applied around urinary meatus to prevent the reflux of urine.
7. Optional (depending on kind of condom): secure the condom firmly but not too tightly to the penis by wrapping a strip of elastic tape spirally around 2/3 rd the length of penis, making sure that the spirals do not overlap.
8. Attach the urinary drainage system securely to the condom. Make sure that the tip of the penis is not touching the condom and that condom is not twisted.
9. Attach the urinary drainage beg to the bed frame. If the client is to remain in bed, or to the clients leg if he is ambulatory.
10. Teach the client about attaching the drainage system to this leg, keeping the drainage bag below the level of the condom, and avoiding loops or kinks in the tubing.
11. Assess urine for color and characteristics. E.g. clarity, odour.
12. Record the application of condom, time and pertinent observations, such as irritated areas on the penis.
13. Observe the penis for swelling and discoloration for 30 minutes following application of condom.
Removing the Condom:
14. Remove the tape, if it was applied and roll off the condom. Remove the plasticized skin spray or the skin protector everyone or two days to provide skin care to the penis. Wash the penis with soapy water, rinse and dry it.
15. Change the condom daily, and assess the foreskin for signs of irritation, swelling and discoloration.