Child Health Nursing
Important Questions
Child Health Nursing Important Questions – P.C. or P.B. BSC Nursing First Year, INC
- List the signs and symptoms of pyloric stenosis. Mention the diagnostic measures. Describe the postoperative management of the infant
- Explain the management of a drowned child
- List the types of convulsions. Discuss the first aid during convulsion. Explain the rehabilitative care for child
- Explain the hospital environment for a sick child. Discuss the role paediatric nursing in caring for a hospitalized child
- Discuss the growth and development of a healthy infant. Nutritional needs of the adolescent
- What are the nutritional deficiency disorders in children. Write the nursing management of children with PEM
- Define congenital heart disease. Classify CHD. Nursing management of child with tetrology of fallot
- Define diarrhea. List the clinical features of diarrhea. Explain the management of child with dehydration
- Explain the role of paediatric nurse
- Mention the congenital anomalies in cardiovascular system. List the clinical manifestation of TOF. Discuss the management of child with TOF
- Define leukemia. Enlist the clinical manifestations of leukemia. Discuss the management of child with leukemia
- define AIDS. List the signs and symtoms of AIDS.
- Define PEM. Explain the dietary management of child
- Define bronchopneumonia. Enlist the clinical features of bronchopneumonia in a child. Explain the nursing management of child with bronchopneumonia
- Classify the degree of burns. Explain in detail, the medical and nursing management of child who has sustained burns
- Define rheumatic fever. Describe the clinical manifestations of rheumatic fever. Explain nursing management of child
- Mention the pathophysiological changes of juvenile diabetes mellitus with sign and symptoms. Explain the nursing care of child
- Describe the role of the nurse in preparing the child and parents for hospitalization
- Explain the nursing management of a low birth weight baby
- Define anemia and classification of anemia. Discuss the management of child with iron deficiency anemia
- Define cerebral palsy. Mention the types of cerebral palsy. Explain the management of cerebral palsy including nursing process
- Write in detail about assessment and care of newborn
- Explain the clinical manifestations, complications and nursing management of child with measles
- Define growth and development. List the factors influencing growth and development and explain the principles of growth and development
- Write the care of low birth weight baby
- Explain about night blindness in children
- Describe the prevention of accidents among toddlers
- Enumerate the rehabilitation of a child with cerebral palsy
- Illustrate the nursing management of a child with tetrology of fallot
- Explain detail about management of protein energy malnutrition
- Describe immunization schedule
- Enumerate the congenital malformations of genitor urinary tract
- Explain the nutritional needs of infant
- Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Diphtheria
- Patent ductus arteriosus
- Organization of neonatal unit
- Preventive immunization
- Haemorrhage and it nursing management
- Care of a baby in incubator
- Calculation of dosage of drugs
- Steam inhalation in children
- Importance of therapeutic play
- Nutritional programmes for children
- Management of child with colostomy
- Classification of PEM with its clinical features
- Clinical features of rheumatic fever
- Types of fractures in children
- Poliomyelitis
- Bronchial asthma
- Rights of the child
- Reflexes of the new born
- Selection play material for toddler group
- Restraints
- Emotional development of adolescence
- Explain the nursing care of low birth weight baby
- Illustrate the care of a child with intestinal obstruction
- Explain dietary management in iron deficiency anemia
- Explain immunization schedule
- Mention the clinical features of vitamin C deficiency and write the management
- Explain the management of convulsions in children
- Illustrate the importance of play in infancy
- Explain APGAR score
- Explain the management of foreign body in the eye
- Illustrate the care of newborn
- Explain about the child guidance clinic
- Describe the midday meal programme
- Explain the care of neonate under phototherapy
- Illustrate the importance of play in preschoolers
- Write the nursing management of nephritic syndrome
- Explain immunization schedule
- Explain the management of dehydration
- List the types of club foot and explain the management
- Write the nursing care of child with ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
- Describe hemophila
- Explain the fluid management of a child with diarrhea
- Enumerate the assessment of new born
- Describe the management of behavioral disorders in children
- Illustrate the nursing management of burns
- Explain the psychosexual stages of development
- Describe the causes and management of otitis media
- Infective endocarditis
- Spina bifida
- Down’s syndrome
- Measles
- Tonsillitis
- Nephritic syndrome
- Protein energy malnutrition
- Trachea-Esophageal fistula
- Encephalitis
- Down’s syndrome
- Burns
- Pediatric ICU
- Fetal circulation and changes occur after birth
- Mental retardation
- Nutritional programmes in India
- Erythroblastosis fetalis
- Define club foot
- State the meaning of hydrocephalus
- Mention any four complications of rheumatic fever
- Write the types of play in children
- State the meaning of trust vs mistrust
- Define anemia
- Mention the difference between nephritis and nephritic syndrome
- Define Thalassemia
- Mention the goals of under five clinics
- Write any four modern concepts of child care
- Colostomy irrigation
- Apgar score
- Crèche
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Strabismus
- Mental retardation
- Causes of accidents in toddler
- Hirschsprungs disease
- Child morbidity and mortality
- Wilm’s tumor
- Tet spells
- Extrophy of bladde3r
- Endocarditis
- Phallic stage
- Child to child concept
- Prevention of scabies
- Caput succedenum
- Koplik spot
- Scurvy
- Kangaroo care
- Colostrums
- Thumb sucking
- Pulse polio
- Temper tantrums
- Dwarfism
- Sunset sign
- Anencephaly
- Define asphyxia neonatorum
- State the importance of burping after feeds
- Write the meaning of hydrocephalus
- Define otitis media
- Mention the causes of mental retardation
- Define enuresis
- Write the complications of rubella infection
- List the congenital defects of heart
- Differentiate between epispadias and hypospadias
- Mention the causes of urinary tract infection in children
- Define rooting reflex
- Mention the cause and prevention of beri beri
- Define juvenile delinquency
- State the meaning and purpose of pulse polio immunization programme
- Mention the causes of accidents in toddler
- Define enuresis
- Define kernicterus
- State the disorders of TOF
- Classify PEM
- List the types of fractures in children
- Differentiate between nephritic syndrome and glomerulonephritis
- Mention the sites of intramuscular injections in children
- Mention the vaccinations for typhoid
- Write the causes of drowning
- State the cause of beriberi and its prevention
- Define neonatal morality rate
- Mention the types of oxygen therapy
- Define weaning
- State the meaning of parallel play
- State the meaning of babinski reflex
- Rickets
- Babinski reflex
- Weaning
- Three principles of baby friendly hospital initiative
- Enuresis
- Battered child syndrome
- Juvenile diabetes mellitus
- Febrile seizures
- Impetigo
- Somnambulism
- Stings
- Hypospadias
- Difference between diarrhea and dysentery
- Resuscitation
- Under five clinic
- Thalasemia
- Pulse polio programme