Child Health Nursing Important Questions

by | Apr 25, 2024 | Nursing Important Questions | 0 comments

Child Health Nursing Important Questions – P.C. or P.B. BSC Nursing First Year, INC


  1. List the signs and symptoms of pyloric stenosis. Mention the diagnostic measures. Describe the postoperative management of the infant
  2. Explain the management of a drowned child

  3. List the types of convulsions. Discuss the first aid during convulsion. Explain the rehabilitative care for child

  4. Explain the hospital environment for a sick child. Discuss the role paediatric nursing in caring for a hospitalized child

  5. Discuss the growth and development of a healthy infant. Nutritional needs of the adolescent

  6. What are the nutritional deficiency disorders in children. Write the nursing management of children with PEM

  7. Define congenital heart disease. Classify CHD. Nursing management of child with tetrology of fallot

  8.  Define diarrhea.  List the clinical features of diarrhea. Explain the management of child with dehydration

  9.  Explain the role of paediatric nurse

  10.  Mention the congenital anomalies in cardiovascular system. List the clinical manifestation of TOF. Discuss the management of child with TOF

  11.  Define leukemia. Enlist the clinical manifestations of leukemia. Discuss the management of child with leukemia

  12.  define AIDS. List the signs and symtoms of AIDS.

  13.  Define PEM. Explain the dietary management  of child

  14.  Define bronchopneumonia. Enlist the clinical features of bronchopneumonia in a child. Explain the nursing management of child with bronchopneumonia

  15.  Classify the degree of burns. Explain in detail, the medical and nursing management of child who has sustained burns

  16.  Define rheumatic fever. Describe the clinical manifestations of rheumatic fever. Explain nursing management of child

  17.  Mention the pathophysiological changes of juvenile diabetes mellitus with sign and symptoms. Explain the nursing care of child

  18.  Describe the role of the nurse in preparing the child and parents for hospitalization

  19.  Explain the nursing management of a low birth weight baby

  20.  Define anemia and classification of anemia. Discuss the management of child with iron deficiency anemia

  21.  Define cerebral palsy. Mention the types of cerebral palsy. Explain the management of cerebral palsy including nursing process

  22.  Write in detail about assessment and care of newborn

  23.  Explain the clinical manifestations, complications and nursing management of child with measles

  24.  Define growth and development. List the factors influencing growth and development and explain the principles of growth and development​



  1. Write the care of low birth weight baby
  2. Explain about night blindness in children

  3. Describe the prevention of accidents among toddlers

  4. Enumerate the rehabilitation of a child with cerebral palsy

  5. Illustrate the nursing management of a child with tetrology of fallot

  6. Explain detail about management of protein energy malnutrition

  7. Describe immunization schedule

  8. Enumerate the congenital malformations of genitor urinary tract

  9. Explain the nutritional needs of infant

  10.  Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

  11.  Diphtheria

  12.  Patent ductus arteriosus

  13.  Organization of neonatal unit

  14.  Preventive immunization

  15.  Haemorrhage and it nursing management

  16.  Care of a baby in incubator

  17.   Calculation of dosage of drugs

  18.  Steam inhalation in children

  19.  Importance of therapeutic play

  20.  Nutritional programmes for children

  21.  Management of child with colostomy

  22.  Classification of PEM with its clinical features

  23.  Clinical features of rheumatic fever

  24.  Types of fractures in children

  25.  IMNCI

  26.   Poliomyelitis

  27.  Bronchial asthma

  28.  Rights of the child

  29.  Reflexes of the new born

  30.  Selection play material for toddler group

  31.  Restraints

  32.  Emotional development of adolescence

  33.  Explain the nursing care of low birth weight baby

  34.  Illustrate the care of a child with intestinal obstruction

  35.  Explain dietary management in iron deficiency anemia

  36.  Explain immunization schedule

  37.  Mention the clinical features of vitamin C deficiency and write the management

  38.  Explain the management of convulsions in children

  39.  Illustrate the importance of play in infancy

  40.  Explain APGAR score

  41.  Explain the management of foreign body in the eye

  42.  Illustrate the care of newborn

  43.  Explain about the child guidance clinic

  44.  Describe the midday meal programme

  45.  Explain the care of neonate under phototherapy

  46.  Illustrate the importance of play in preschoolers

  47.  Write the nursing management of nephritic syndrome

  48.  Explain immunization schedule

  49.  Explain the management of dehydration

  50.  List the types of club foot and explain the management

  51.  Write the nursing care of child with ventriculo-peritoneal shunt

  52.  Describe hemophila

  53.  Explain the fluid management of a child with diarrhea

  54.  Enumerate the assessment of new born

  55.  Describe the management of behavioral disorders in children

  56.  Illustrate the nursing management of burns

  57.  Explain the psychosexual stages of development

  58.  Describe the causes and management of otitis media

  59.  Infective endocarditis

  60.  Spina bifida

  61.  Down’s syndrome

  62.  Measles

  63.  ICDS

  64.  Tonsillitis

  65.  Nephritic syndrome

  66.  Protein energy malnutrition

  67.  Trachea-Esophageal fistula

  68.  Encephalitis

  69.  Down’s syndrome

  70.  Burns

  71.  Pediatric ICU

  72.  Fetal circulation and changes occur after birth

  73.  Mental retardation

  74.  Nutritional programmes in India

  75.  Erythroblastosis fetalis



  1. Define club foot
  2. State the meaning of hydrocephalus

  3. Mention any four complications of rheumatic fever

  4. Write the types of play in children

  5. State the meaning of trust vs mistrust

  6. Define anemia

  7. Mention the difference between nephritis and nephritic syndrome

  8. Define Thalassemia

  9. Mention the goals of under five clinics

  10.  Write any four modern concepts of child care

  11.  Colostomy irrigation

  12.  Apgar score

  13. Crèche

  14.  Neonatal resuscitation

  15.  Strabismus

  16.  Mental retardation

  17.  Causes of accidents in toddler

  18.  Hirschsprungs disease

  19.  Child morbidity and mortality

  20.  Wilm’s tumor

  21.  Tet spells

  22.  ITP

  23.  Extrophy of bladde3r

  24.  Endocarditis

  25.  Phallic stage

  26.  Child to child concept

  27.  Prevention of scabies

  28.  Caput succedenum

  29.  VSD

  30.  Koplik spot 

  31.  Scurvy

  32.  Kangaroo care

  33.  Colostrums

  34.  Thumb sucking

  35.  Pulse polio

  36.  Temper tantrums

  37.  Dwarfism

  38.  VSD

  39.  Sunset sign

  40.  Anencephaly 

  41.  Define asphyxia neonatorum

  42.  State the importance of burping after feeds

  43.  Write the meaning of hydrocephalus

  44.  Define otitis media

  45.  Mention the causes of mental retardation

  46.  Define enuresis

  47.  Write the complications of rubella infection

  48.  List the congenital defects of heart

  49.  Differentiate between epispadias and hypospadias

  50.  Mention the causes of urinary tract infection in children

  51. Define rooting reflex

  52. Mention the cause and prevention of beri beri

  53.  Define juvenile delinquency

  54. State the meaning and purpose of pulse polio immunization programme

  55.  Mention the causes of accidents in toddler

  56. Define enuresis

  57. Define kernicterus

  58. State the disorders of TOF

  59. Classify PEM

  60. List the types of fractures in children

  61. Differentiate between nephritic syndrome and glomerulonephritis

  62.  Mention the sites of intramuscular injections in children

  63. Mention the vaccinations for typhoid

  64. Write the causes of drowning

  65. State the cause of beriberi and its prevention

  66. Define neonatal morality rate

  67. Mention the types of oxygen therapy

  68. Define weaning

  69. State the meaning of parallel play

  70. State the meaning of babinski reflex

  71. Rickets

  72. Babinski reflex

  73. Weaning

  74. Three principles of baby friendly hospital initiative

  75.  Enuresis

  76. Battered child syndrome

  77. PDA

  78. Juvenile diabetes mellitus

  79. Febrile seizures

  80.  Impetigo

  81.  Somnambulism

  82.  Stings

  83.  Hypospadias

  84.  Difference between diarrhea and dysentery

  85.  Resuscitation

  86.  Under five clinic

  87.  Thalasemia

  88.  Pulse polio programme​