by | Apr 24, 2024 | Nursing Important Questions | 0 comments

Unit : 1

Structure and functions of cell

Structure of mitochondria


Unit : 2

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane

Transport mechanism

Acid base balance

Sodium pump

Unit : 3

Classification of carbohydrate

Function of carbohydrate


Krebs cycle

Pentose phosphate pathway

Cori cycle

Unit : 4

Classification of lipids

Functions of lipids


Cholesterol metabolism

Beta oxidation of fatty acid


Unit : 5

Nitrogen metabolism

Classification of enzymes

Urea cycle

Enzyme kinetics

Properties of enzymes

Bile pigments

Ketone bodies

Unit : 6

Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins

Vitamin Deficiency

Unit  : 7

Immune response

Structure and classification of immunoglobulins

Mechanism of antibody production

HLA antigen

Free radicals and antioxidants

Specialized proteins






​​10 Mark

1. aerobic glycolysis. Energistics and pathway (important)

2. Beta oxidation of fatty acid. Palmitic acid oxidation (important)

3. Composition of cell. Structure and function of cell membrane (diagram) (important)

4. TCA cycle and energistics (imporant)

5. Sources, deficiency and RDA and function of Vitamin D

6. Citric acid Cycle and energistics

7. Acid base balance (important)

8. Vitamin C – sources, requirement, deficiency (important)

9. Metabolism of tyrosine

10. Serum calcium level – sources, daily requirement and biochemical

11. Classification of enzymes (important)

12. Ketone bodies and ketosis (important)

13. Vitamin A

14. Gluconeogenesis

15. Enzyme inhibition

16. HMP pathway (important)

17. Urea cycle (important)

18. Digestion and absorption of proteins


5 Mark

1. urea Cycle (important)

2. Formation and utilization of ketone bodies (important)

3. Renal regulation of acid base balance (important)

4. Classify carbohydrate

5. Steps in beta oxidation palmityl CoA

6. Functional classification of protein

7. Triacyl glycerol synthesis (TAG)

8. Different types of lipoprotein and its function (important)

9. Factors influencing enzyme activity (important)

10. Classify enzymes with examples (important)

11. Absorption,transport and storage of iron

12. Biochemical functions of Vitamin A

13. Homopolysaccharides

14. Blood buffers

15. Phospholipids

16. Creatinine clearence test

17. Deficiency of Vitamin A

18. Urea cycle (important)

19. Functions of plasma proteins (important)

20. Serum enzymes

21. HMP pathway (important)

22. BMR (important)

23. Glucose tolerance test

24. Isoenzymes and significance

25. Function of vitamin C

26. Types of immunoglobulins (important)

Short Answers

 1. anti-oxidants

2. Biochemical function of calcium

3. Competitive inhibition of enzymes

4. Functions of ascorbic acid

5. Normal range – Random blood glucose, serum cholesterol, serum bilirubin

6. Deamination

7. Essential fatty acids

8. Function of thiamine

9. Three enzymes of diagnostic importance

10. Normal serum level – sodium, potassium and calcium

11. Starch

12. Heat coagulation test

13. Hyperglycemia

14. Essential aminoacids

15. Bile salts and its function

16. Hypercholesteromia

17. Mitochondria

18. Rothera test

19. Ketone bodies

20. Metabolic acidosis

21. HMP Shunt pathway

22. Immunoglobulin G

23. Pellagra

24. Denaturation of proteins

25. Beri Beri

26. Benedict’s test

27. Normal level of blood urea and fasting blood sugar

28. Transmination

29. Metabolic alkalosis

30. Iodine

31. Biological important compound from cholesterol

32. Normal level – FBS, blood urea, Serum total protein and SGOT

33. Two proteolytic enzymes

34. Coenzyme form of thiamine and pyridoxine

35. Normal blood levels of cholesterol and urea

36. Lactose intolerance

37. Dietary fibre

38. Daily requirement of vit A and D

39. Primary structure of proteins

40. Active transport

41. Glycosuria

42. Function of mitochondria

43. Rickets

44. Examples for pro vitamin

45. Marker enzymes in myocardial infarction

46. Golgi apparatus

47. Electrophoresis

48. Sodium pump