by | Jul 4, 2024 | MEDICAL MCQ | 0 comments

These mcqs are prepared exclusively for audiologist and audiometry technician for exam preparation. This multiple choice questions are helpful for preparation for DHA, PROMETRIC, MOH, HAAD, EXAMINATION

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What is the primary function of the outer ear?

A) Balance

B) Filtering sound frequencies

C) Collecting sound waves

D) Producing earwax

Which part of the ear converts sound waves into electrical signals?

A) Tympanic membrane

B) Cochlea

C) Ossicles

D) Eustachian tube

What is the average frequency range of human hearing?

A) 20 Hz to 20 kHz

B) 50 Hz to 15 kHz

C) 100 Hz to 10 kHz

D) 200 Hz to 8 kHz

What is the role of the Eustachian tube?

A) Transmitting sound waves

B) Regulating air pressure in the middle ear

C) Amplifying sound vibrations

D) Protecting the inner ear from loud noises

Which test is commonly used to measure hearing sensitivity?

A) Tympanometry

B) Audiometry

C) Otoacoustic emissions test

D) Electroneurography

What is sensorineural hearing loss?

A) Hearing loss due to damage to the outer ear

B) Hearing loss due to problems in the middle ear

C) Hearing loss due to damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve

D) Hearing loss due to a blockage in the ear canal

Which of the following conditions is characterized by a ringing sensation in the ears?

A) Vertigo

B) Tinnitus

C) Otitis media

D) Meniere’s disease

What is the main cause of presbycusis?

A) Genetic factors

B) Aging

C) Noise exposure

D) Ear infections

Which device is used to visualize the ear canal and tympanic membrane?

A) Otoscope

B) Stethoscope

C) Audiometer

D) Endoscope

What does an audiogram display?

A) The structure of the ear

B) Hearing threshold levels across different frequencies

C) The presence of ear infections

D) The balance function of the inner ear

C) Collecting sound waves

B) Cochlea

A) 20 Hz to 20 kHz

B) Regulating air pressure in the middle ear

B) Audiometry

C) Hearing loss due to damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve

B) Tinnitus

B) Aging

A) Otoscope

B) Hearing threshold levels across different frequencies