by | Apr 24, 2024 | Nurse Article | 0 comments


Bronchoscopy is the process of direct visualization of the tracheobronchial tree and the  Broncho pulmonary segment.


– To obtain samples of pulmonary tissues and cell for cytological examination 
-To obtain  bronchial secretion for microscopic examination 
-To apply a medication directly to the Trachobronchial



– it is used for returning foreign objects rigid Bronchoscopy is preferred for recovery foreign body aspiration because the allows protections of the airway and controlling the foreign body in the lungs

* flexible

A flexible bronchoscopic is longer and thinner than a rigid bronchoscope


– chronic cough 
– hemoptysis
– ateletasis
– lung cancer 
– pneumonia 
– lung abess


– myocardial infarction 
-unstable angina 
– carbon dioxide retention 
– Tracheal stenosis 
– asthma


-bronchoscope  either fibroptic or rigid
– biopsy forceps 
– tongue depressor 
– cytology brush 
– lubricant 
– pharayngel spray 
– A container with sterile gauze piece 
-kidney tray and paper bag 
-gloves and apron


– patient is place in his back and allow him to lies on his back with his neck.

– The scope is passed through mouth or nose through wind pipe and lungs

– A numbing drug sprayed in mouth and Throat

-send saline solution through the tube 

– This wash the lungs and allows to collect samples of long cell fluids  and other materials inside the air sacs

– some time tiny brushes needles or forceps may be passed through the bronchoscope to take very small tissue sample from  lungs


– observe the client for laryngeal spasm 
-observe the client  for emphysema around the face and neck
– observe the client for symptoms of toxicity caused by the local anesthetic agents