- State the purposes and principles of recording and explain the roles of community health nurse in recording and reporting
- What is maternal mortality rate? Discuss the causes of high maternal mortality in India. Enumerate the role of nurse in measures of reduction of maternal mortality
- What are goals and objectives of family welfare programme? Explain the role of nurse in family planning programme
- Explain in detail the epidemiological factor and management of meningococcal meningitis
- What are the different methods of family planning? Explain the intra uterine contraceptive devices in detail
- List down the diseases caused by anthropods. Explain the mosquito control measures
- Explain the water purification is large scale
- Classify the family planning methods? Explain in detail the permanent methods of family planning
- Describe the epidemiological factor of cholera. Explain the control measures of cholera
- Discuss the determinants of health
- What are the effects of population explosion? Discuss the temporary methods of family planning
- Write the epidemiology of typhoid fever and what is the role of community health nurse in prevention of typhoid?
- Define community health nursing. Explain in detail the steps of community health nursing process with relevant example
- Discuss in detail role and functions of nurse in promoting the heath of under-five children in the community
- Describe the classification of IUDs. Mechanism of action, procedure for insertion, advantages and contraindications for intra uterine devices
- Write the meaning of personal and mental health. describe in detail the role of community health nurse in promoting personal and mental health of individuals and groups in the community
- Discuss in detail the community health nursing process
- Explain in detail the aims and objectives and components of RCH services
- State the aims and objectives of reproductive and child health programme. And explain the role of community health nurse in RCH programme
- Explain the steps involved in community health nursing process in detail
- A. describe the importance involved of records and reports in community health nursing b. what are the principles and purpose of home visit
- Explain in detail the epidemiology and management of malaria
- Define demography? Which are the methods of collecting demographic data? Describe the demographic cycle
- Explain the different methods of waste disposal in India
- Enlist the determinants of health. explain any two determinants of health
- Explain the epidemiology and management of tuberculosis
- Define demography and explain the impact of population explosion
- Explain in detail about components of nursing process
- Discuss the role of community health nurse in the ante-natal care
- What are the principles of family health care? Discuss the responsibilities of community health nurse in providing family health care services
- Describe evolution of maternal and child health services in India
- Explain the purposes and principles of home visiting. Write in detail the steps of home visiting
- Define family. List the objectives of family health care. Enumerate the advantages of family bed care
- Explain the prevention and control measures of AIDS
- What is an epidemic? Discuss the steps involved in investigation of an epidemic
- Causes of perinatal mortality and its control
- Urban family welfare centre
- National population policy
- Principles and advantages of home visit
- High fertility in India
- Objectives and principles of family health care services
- Community nursing care plan
- Community survey
- Integrated child development scheme programme
- Aims and objectives of primary health care
- Types of ventilation
- Oxidation pond
- Determinants of health
- Tuberculosis
- Housing and health
- Uses of epidemiology
- Accidents
- Leptospirosis
- Write the causes, prevention and control of obesity
- Women empowerment
- Epidemiologic cycle
- Demographic cycle
- Risk factor of coronary heart disease
- Specific nutritional deficiencies
- Malaria
- Ascariasis
- Food adulteration
- Importance of studying epidemiology
- Dimensions of health
- Universal Infection Control Measures
- Noise pollution
- Protein Energy Malnutrition
- Dug well latrines
- Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infections
- Demographic goals of national population policy
- Role of community health nurse in recording and reporting
- Risk approach
- Objectives of early neonatal care
- Specific protection for antenatal women
- Steps in home visit
- Interpersonal relationship in community health nursing
- Child survival and safe motherhood
- Modes of disease transmission
- Health aspects of family planning
- First generation IUD’s
- Action of oral contraceptive pills
- Legal implication of records
- Steps in conducting a community health program
- Care of the adolescent
- Bag technique
- Types of registers, records and reports maintained by nurse in PHC
- Natural family planning methods
- Importance of demography
- Changes occurring during pregnancy
- Goals and objectives of family planning
- Under five care
- Problems of school age child
- Neo natal care
- Care of skin and hands
- Adolescent health
- Importance of exercise and rest
- Population policy – 2000
- Housing standards
- Levels of prevention
- Mumps
- Oral contraceptive pills
- Obesity
- Malnutrition
- Mode of disease transmission
- Explain the dimensions of health
- Effect of noise pollution on health
- Food safety standards of India
- Management and control of Acute diarrheal disease
- Steps in analytical epidemiology
- Signs and symptoms of dengue fever
- Explain emergency contraception
- Management of chicken pox
- National family welfare programme
- Principles of bag technique
- Maternal mortality rate
- Disinfection
- Care of the person head to foot
- Legal implications of records and reports
- Objectives of home visit
- Scope of community health nursing in India
- Population survey
- Environment
- Role of a nurse in promoting mental health
- Conventional contraceptives
- Recommended package of MCH services
- Need for sex education
- Role of a nurse in recording
- Standing orders
- Under five clinic
- Importance of clothing
- RCH services
- Characteristics of mentally healthy person
- Birth rate and death rate
- Active surveillance of malaria
- Ice berg phenomenon
- Carrier
- Prevention of viral hepatitis
- DPT vaccine
- Second generation IUD
- Population education
- Prevalence
- Modes of intervention
- Target couples
- Rooming in
- Oral rehydration solution
- Define nursing process
- Crude birth rate
- Low birth weight
- Morbidity rate
- Parasitic diseases in children
- Improper personal hygiene and its effects on health
- Anthropometry
- Demographic cycle
- Mantoux test
- Chlorination of well
- Active immunity
- Iodine deficiency
- Hydatid diseases
- Family budget
- Joint family
- Dengue fever
- Fomite
- MTP Act
- Air pollutants
- Mechanical ventilation
- Active immunity
- Family budget
- Food adulteration act
- Infant mortality rate
- Copper T
- Incidence
- Demography
- Importance of physical activity
- Iron deficiency
- Goiter
- Quarantine
- Recreation
- Obesity
- Rickets
- Cross ventilation
- Differentiate between sullage and sewage
- Objectives of family planning
- Growth rate
- At risk infants
- Antenatal home visits
- Cold chain system
- Menstrual problems and care
- Define mental health
- Define epidemiology
- Couple protection rate
- Aims of sex education
- Scope of family planning services
- Male pill
- Density of population
- Sex ratio
- Birth rate
- Net reproduction rate
- Target couples
- Maternal mortality rate
- Fertilization
- Safe period
- Thrush
- BCG vaccine
- Menstrual cycle
- Sex education
- Advantages of colostrums
- Disadvantages of nuclear family
- Safe and wholesome water
- Immunoglobulin
- Tubectomy
- Types of diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Trachoma
- Purchasing power
- Incubation period
- Spectrum of health
- Define mental health
- Define endemic
- List any four sexually transmitted disease
- Define infant mortality rate
- Define skeletal fluorosis
- List the methods of food preservation
- List any four respiratory infections
- Mention the types of immunity
- Define community health nursing
- Aims of family health service
- Birth rate
- Primary health centre
- Agent
- Quarantine
- Eligible couples
- Under five clinics
- Laproscopy
- Supplementary feeding
- Eligible couple
- Role of a nurse in female welfare programme
- Neonatal tetanus
- Mala D
- Establishment of interpersonal relationship
- Importances of exercises
- Steps of nursing care plan
- Community health
- Records and reports
- Iatrogenic infection
- Net reproduction rate
- Xerophthalmia
- Anthropometric measurements
- Host
- Vector borne diseases