by | Apr 24, 2024 | Nursing Important Questions | 0 comments


  1. State the purposes and principles of recording and explain the roles of community health nurse in recording and reporting
  2. What is maternal mortality rate? Discuss the causes of high maternal mortality in India. Enumerate the role of nurse in measures of reduction of maternal mortality

  3. What are goals and objectives of family welfare programme? Explain the role of nurse in family planning programme

  4. Explain in detail the epidemiological factor and management of meningococcal meningitis

  5. What are the different methods of family planning? Explain the intra uterine contraceptive devices in detail

  6. List down the diseases caused by anthropods. Explain the mosquito control measures

  7. Explain the water purification is large scale

  8. Classify the family planning methods? Explain in detail the permanent methods of family planning

  9. Describe the epidemiological factor of cholera. Explain the control measures of cholera

  10. Discuss the determinants of health

  11. What are the effects of population explosion? Discuss the temporary methods of family planning

  12. Write the epidemiology of typhoid fever and what is the role of community health nurse in prevention of typhoid?

  13. Define community health nursing. Explain in detail the steps of community health nursing process with relevant example

  14. Discuss in detail role and functions of nurse in promoting the heath of under-five children in the community

  15. Describe the classification of IUDs. Mechanism of action, procedure for insertion, advantages and contraindications for intra uterine devices

  16. Write the meaning of personal and mental health. describe in detail the role of community health nurse in promoting personal and mental health of individuals and groups in the community

  17. Discuss in detail the community health nursing process

  18. Explain in detail the aims and objectives and components of RCH services

  19. State the aims and objectives of reproductive and child health programme. And explain the role of community health nurse in RCH programme

  20. Explain the steps involved in community health nursing process in detail

  21. A. describe the importance involved of records and reports in community health nursing b. what are the principles and purpose of home visit

  22. Explain in detail the epidemiology and management of malaria

  23. Define demography? Which are the methods of collecting demographic data? Describe the demographic cycle

  24. Explain the different methods of waste disposal in India

  25. Enlist the determinants of health. explain any two determinants of health

  26. Explain the epidemiology and management of tuberculosis

  27. Define demography and explain the impact of population explosion

  28. Explain in detail about components of nursing process

  29. Discuss the role of community health nurse in the ante-natal care

  30. What are the principles of family health care? Discuss the responsibilities of community health nurse in providing family health care services

  31. Describe evolution of maternal and child health services in India

  32. Explain the purposes and principles of home visiting. Write in detail the steps of home visiting

  33. Define family. List the objectives of family health care. Enumerate the advantages of family bed care

  34. Explain the prevention and control measures of AIDS

  35. What is an epidemic? Discuss the steps involved in investigation of an epidemic



  1. Causes of perinatal mortality and its control
  2. Urban family welfare centre

  3. National population policy

  4. Principles and advantages of home visit

  5. High fertility in India

  6. Objectives and principles of family health care services

  7. Community nursing care plan

  8. Community survey

  9. Integrated child development scheme programme

  10. Aims and objectives of primary health care

  11. Types of ventilation

  12. Oxidation pond

  13. Determinants of health

  14. Tuberculosis

  15. Housing and health

  16. Uses of epidemiology

  17. Accidents

  18. Leptospirosis

  19. Write the causes, prevention and control of obesity

  20. Women empowerment

  21. Epidemiologic cycle

  22. Demographic cycle

  23. Risk factor of coronary heart disease

  24. Specific nutritional deficiencies

  25. Malaria

  26. Ascariasis

  27. Food adulteration

  28. Importance of studying epidemiology

  29. Dimensions of health

  30. Universal Infection Control Measures

  31. Noise pollution

  32. Protein Energy Malnutrition

  33. Dug well latrines

  34. Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infections

  35. Demographic goals of national population policy

  36. Role of community health nurse in recording and reporting

  37. Risk approach

  38. Objectives of early neonatal care

  39. Specific protection for antenatal women

  40. Steps in home visit

  41. Interpersonal relationship in community health nursing

  42. Child survival and safe motherhood

  43. Modes of disease transmission

  44. Health aspects of family planning

  45. First generation IUD’s

  46. Action of oral contraceptive pills

  47. Legal implication of records

  48. Steps in conducting a community health program

  49. Care of the adolescent

  50. Bag technique

  51. Types of registers, records and reports maintained by nurse in PHC

  52. Natural family planning methods

  53. Importance of demography

  54. Changes occurring during pregnancy

  55. Goals and objectives of family planning

  56. Under five care

  57. Problems of school age child

  58. Neo natal care

  59. Care of skin and hands

  60. Adolescent health

  61. Importance of exercise and rest

  62. Population policy – 2000

  63. Housing standards

  64. Levels of prevention

  65. Mumps

  66. Oral contraceptive pills

  67. Obesity

  68. Malnutrition

  69. Mode of disease transmission

  70. Explain the dimensions of health

  71. Effect of noise pollution on health

  72. Food safety standards of India

  73. Management and control of Acute diarrheal disease

  74. Steps in analytical epidemiology

  75. Signs and symptoms of dengue fever

  76. Explain emergency contraception

  77. Management of chicken pox

  78. National family welfare programme

  79. Principles of bag technique

  80. Maternal mortality rate

  81. Disinfection

  82. Care of the person head to foot

  83. Legal implications of records and reports

  84. Objectives of home visit

  85. Scope of community health nursing in India

  86. Population survey

  87. Environment

  88. Role of a nurse in promoting mental health

  89. Conventional contraceptives

  90. Recommended package of MCH services

  91. Need for sex education

  92. Role of a nurse in recording

  93. Standing orders

  94. Under five clinic

  95. Importance of clothing

  96. RCH services

  97. Characteristics of mentally healthy person

  98. Birth rate and death rate

  99. Active surveillance of malaria

  100. Ice berg phenomenon

  101. Carrier

  102. Prevention of viral hepatitis

  103. DPT vaccine

  104. Second generation IUD

  105. Population education

  106. Prevalence

  107. Modes of intervention



  1. Target couples
  2. Rooming in

  3. Oral rehydration solution

  4. Define nursing process

  5.  Crude birth rate

  6. Low birth weight

  7. Morbidity rate

  8. Parasitic diseases in children

  9. Improper personal hygiene and its effects on health

  10. Anthropometry

  11. Demographic cycle

  12. Mantoux test

  13. Chlorination of well

  14. Active immunity

  15. Iodine deficiency

  16. Hydatid diseases

  17. Family budget

  18. Joint family

  19. Dengue fever

  20. Fomite

  21. MTP Act

  22. Air pollutants

  23. Mechanical ventilation

  24. Active immunity

  25. Family budget

  26. Food adulteration act

  27. Infant mortality rate

  28. Copper T

  29. SARS

  30. Incidence

  31. Demography

  32. Importance of physical activity

  33. Iron deficiency

  34. Goiter

  35. Quarantine

  36. Recreation

  37. Obesity

  38. Rickets

  39. Cross ventilation

  40. Differentiate between sullage and sewage

  41. Objectives of family planning

  42. Growth rate

  43. At risk infants

  44. Antenatal home visits

  45. Cold chain system

  46. Menstrual problems and care

  47. Define mental health

  48. Define epidemiology

  49. Couple protection rate

  50. Aims of sex education

  51. Scope of family planning services

  52. Male pill

  53. ASHA

  54. Density of population

  55. Sex ratio

  56. Birth rate

  57. Net reproduction rate

  58. Target couples

  59. Maternal mortality rate

  60. Fertilization

  61. Safe period

  62. Thrush

  63. BCG vaccine

  64. Menstrual cycle

  65. Sex education

  66. Advantages of colostrums

  67. Disadvantages of nuclear family

  68. Safe and wholesome water

  69. Immunoglobulin

  70. Tubectomy

  71. Types of diabetes

  72. Epilepsy

  73. Trachoma

  74. Purchasing power

  75. Incubation period

  76. Spectrum of health

  77. Define mental health

  78. Define endemic

  79. List any four sexually transmitted disease

  80. Define infant mortality rate

  81. Define skeletal fluorosis

  82. List the methods of food preservation

  83. List any four respiratory infections

  84. Mention the types of immunity

  85. Define community health nursing

  86. Aims of family health service

  87. Birth rate

  88. Primary health centre

  89. Agent

  90. Quarantine

  91. Eligible couples

  92. Under five clinics

  93. BCG

  94. Laproscopy

  95. Supplementary feeding

  96. Eligible couple

  97. Role of a nurse in female welfare programme

  98. Neonatal tetanus

  99. Mala D

  100. Establishment of interpersonal relationship

  101. Importances of exercises

  102. Steps of nursing care plan

  103. Community health

  104. Records and reports

  105. Iatrogenic infection

  106. Net reproduction rate

  107. Xerophthalmia

  108. Anthropometric measurements

  109. Host

  110. Vector borne diseases