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GNM Fundamentals of Nursing (Fundamentals of Nursing, First Aid and Personal Hygiene) First Year Important Questions 2024


Write the meaning of the following


Fill in the blanks

The primary source of data is …………….
The pioneer of modern nursing is ……………..
Lack of roughage in the diet leads to ……………
Bleeding from nose is known as …………….

Write short notes

Nursing management of client with dehydration
Sterilization techniques
Role of nurse in discharge procedure
Menstrual hygiene
Care in rigor

 Define health
Explain about determinants of health

 Define cross infection
List the prevention of cross infection
Explain about barrier nursing

 Define insomnia
List the causes of insomnia
Enumerate the nursing measures to induce insomnia



Choose the correct answer

Benedict’s solution is used in test of i. urine for albumin ii. Urine for sugar iii. Urine for ketone bodies iv. Urine for reaction

Dyspneic patient can have the best position is  i. prone position ii. Left lateral iii. Supine position iv. Flower’s position

Anoxia means i. absence of oxygen in tissues ii. Presence of oxygen in tissues iii. Lack of oxygen in tissues iv. Oxygen in blood

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Random specimens are collected only at one time
Poison can be neutralized by using specific antidotes
Knee chest position is used to examine rectum
Heat regulation centre is hypothalamus

 Write short notes

Health care team
Importance of records and reports
Cold applications
Prevention of decubitus ulcer
Care of body after death


Define incontinence of urine
Enumerate the causes of incontinence of urine
Write various methods to prevent and treat incontinence of urine

 Define accidents
What is the first aid management for accidents in case of conscious patients
What is the first aid management for road traffic accidents


Give the meaning of the following

Decubitus ulcer
First aid


Fill in the blanks

The inner part of the syringe is called ……………
Lack of oxygen in the tissues is called ……………
The mechanical device used in relieve cardiac asthma is …………..
Data can be classified as ……….. and ……………………. Data

 Write short notes

Importance of records and reports
Holistic approach in nursing care
Nurses role in maintaining intake and output chart
Disinfection techniques
Qualities of a good nurse
Urine test for sugar and albumin

 Define feeding
Discuss the nurse’s responsibilities in feeding a helpless client orally

Define personal hygiene
Explain the role of nurse in maintaining personal hygiene of a bed ridden patient


Choose the correct answer and write

An agent that has the power to kill bacteria  i. bacteriostal ii. Bacteriocide iii. Bacteriostatic

The visual examination of the body is called i. palpation ii. Auscultation iii. Inspection

Fowler’s position is used to relieve i. dyspnoea ii. Abdominal pain iii. Back pain

The following is not a method of oxygen administration i. oxygen hood ii. Oxygen tent iii. Nebulizer

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Presence of blood in the urine is called haematuria
Drugs used to stop vomiting are called antidiuretics
Blood pressure in children is normally lower than in adults

 Write short notes

Hot applications used in the care of patients
Nursing care of a bed sore patient
Comfort devices and their uses
Aseptic techniques
Therapeutic communication
Voluntary agencies

 Define dehydration
List the signs and symptoms of dehydration
Explain the nursing management of a patient with dehydration

Define burns
Explain the first aid management of a patient with moderate degree burns

Discuss the role of nurse in the care of a dying patient

Give the meaning of the following


 Fill in the blanks

……………. Is a process by which one person convey thoughts, feelings and ideas to another
……………… is the amount of moisture in the air
……………. Is the cracking or ulceration of the lips and angles of the mouth
………………. Is the thermoregulatory centre situated in the brain

 Write short notes

Qualities of a good nurse
Principles of record writing
Nursing care of a client with decubitus ulcer
Needs of dying patient and his/her relatives
Interpersonal relationship in nursing

 What is discharge planning of a patient
How to prepare the client and his/her relatives for discharge
Write in detail the role of a nurse in discharging a client from hospital who was admittted for gastro enteritis

Write the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene
Explain the nurse’s role in providing care of hair, hands and feet


Choose the correct answer

The respiration regulating centre is the i. cerebellum ii. Hypothalamus iii. Medulla oblongata

The instrument used to examine the eyes i. otoscope ii. Ophthalmoscope iii. Cystoscope

Presence of sugar in the urine is called as  i. glycouria ii. Oliguria iii. Albuminuria

State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Dyspnoea means difficulty in swallowing
Visual examination of the body is called inspection
Pyuria means blood in the urine
Laryngoscope is used to examine the larynx

 Write short notes

Care of thermometers
Administration of oxygen
Routes of administration of drugs
Medical asepsis


What is catheterization
List the purposes
Write the responsibilities of a nurse in collecting specimen of midstream urine and collecting stool specimen for routine examination

 What is first aid
Write the first aid measures in case of food poisoning and snake bite

Give the meaning of the following


 Fill in the blanks

Pulse rate less than 60 beats per minute is called …………….
Examination with the help of stethoscope is called ………….
The normal blood pressure is …………………
Inflammation of the tongue is called ……………..

 Write short notes
Care of dying patient
Types and purposes of position
Barriers of communication
Care of unconscious patient
Qualities of a nurse

 Define pyrexia
Name the different sites for recording temperature
Explain the nursing care of a client with pyrexia

Define decubitus ulcer
List the causes of decubitus ulcer
Explain the role of nurse in care and prevention of decubitus ulcer

Choose the correct answer

Difficulty in breathing is called  i. apnoea ii. Orthopnoea iii. Dyspnoea iv. Tachypnoea

Presence of sugar in the urine is called i. dysuria ii. Anuria iii. Glycosuria iv. Oliguria

Rabies is caused by i. rat bite ii. Snake bite iii. Insect bite iv. Dog bite

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Analgesic is drug for relieving pain
The duration of sitz bath is 15 to 20 minutes
Laryngoscopy is used to examine the larynx
Hospital acquired infection is also called zoonotic infection

 Write short notes

Medical hand washing
Methods of physical examination
Healthy team
Characteristics of mentally healthy individual
Cold application


Define fracture
Write the causes and types of fracture
Explain the first aid management of patient with fractured leg

 Define steam inhalation
List the purposes of steam inhalation
Explain the procedure of steam inhalation by nelson’s inhaler

Define enema
List the different types of enema
Explain the procedure of soap water enema

Give the meaning of the following


Fill in the blanks

When the body temperature is raised 105 degree fehrenheit is called …………
Sterilization by steam under pressure is known as ………………..
The resistance to certain disease is artificially attained by ……………..
The oral cavity is also called as ………….

 Write shorts notes

Qualities of a nurse
Application of hot water bag
Active and passive exercises
Care of the rubber goods
Types of beds and their uses

Define bedsore
List the causes of bedsore
Explain the nursing care of a patient with bedsore

Define mental health
Enumerate the characteristics of a mentally healthy person
Discuss the promotion of mental health in old age

 Define blood pressure
List the factors causing variations in blood pressure
Explain the procedure of measuring blood pressure of a patient in your ward
Choose the correct answer

The normal pulse rate of adult is i. 72 bts/mt ii. 120 bts/mt iii. 140 bts/mt
Constipation can be prevented by i. high fat diet ii. High fibre diet iii. High protein diet
Difference between axillary and rectal temperature is i. 4 degree ii. 2 degree iii. 6 degree

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

One pint is equal to 30 ml
Evacuant enema relieves constipation
The presence of blood in the urine is called haematuria
Drugs used to relieve vomiting are called anti inflammatory drugs

 Write short notes

Health team
Nursing care of the patient with breathing difficulty
Disinfection of sharps and needles
Instillation of ear drops
Characteristics of respiration


Define bed bath
List the purposes of bed bath
Explain the procedure of giving bed bath to an unconscious patient

Define fracture
Write the causes and types of fracture
Discuss the first aid management of the patient with fracture leg

Give the meaning of the following

Code of ethics
Comprehensive nursing care
Anti coagulants

 Fill in the blanks

The total cessation of breathing is called ………………
The inner part of the syringe is called …………
Blood pressure below normal is termed as ……………

Write short notes

Role of nurse in prevention and management in constitution
Care of the patient with decubitus ulcer
Care of the patient with fever
Nurses responsibilities in giving bath to a unconscious patient
Aseptic technique in patient care

 What is bed making
List the purposes of bed making
Explain the principles involved in bed making

 What is unconsciousness
Explain in detail the management of a unconscious patient


Fundoscope is used for the examination of i. urinary bladder ii. Ear iii. Eye
Hospital acquired infection is known as i. droplet infection ii. Nosocomial infection iii. Contamination
The respiratory regulating centre in the brain is i. hypothalamus ii. Medulla oblongata iii. Cerebellum
The most suitable position for giving an enema is i. left lateral ii. Right lateral iii. Upright

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Proper body alignment causes fatigue and deformity
Analgesic is the drug used to relieve pain
Laryngoscope is used to examine the larynx

Write short notes

Hot applications
Cold applications
Importance of communication in nursing
Comfort devices and their uses

 Define inhalation
Explain the nurses responsibilities in the administration of steam inhalation to a patient


Define drug administration
Mention the different routes of drug administration
Explain the procedure for oral medication


Give the meaning of the following terms


 Fill in the blanks

Bleeding from the gums is called …………
The presence of glucose in urine is called …………..
Elimination of waste products from the body is called ………….

 Write short notes

Care of patient with fever
First aid in earthquake
Care of storing medications
Factors affecting pulse rate
Principles of bed making

What is asepsis
Write in detail the steps in medical and surgical hand washing technique

What is specimen collection
Write the nurses responsibility in collecting and transporting of urine and stool specimen for routine examination

 Choose the correct answer

Cold sponging is used to i. reduce temperature ii. Increase fever iii. For digestion
Inflammation of the joint is called i. gastritis ii. Arthritis iii. Glossitis
Difficulty in swallowing i. dyspepsia ii. Dysphagia iii. Vomiting
Lack of oxygen in the tissue i. anoxia ii. Asphyxia iii. Anoxaemia

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Gingivitis is inflammation of tongue
Diuretics decreases the urine output
Orthopnea is cessation of breathing

 Write short notes

Importance of rest and sleep
Care of rubber goods
Maintenance of intake and output chart
Types of enema
Sitz bath

What is First aid
Explain the rules of first aid
Write the first aid measure in snake bite

 What are the methods of oxygen administration
Explain the steps in giving steam inhalation with nelson’s inhaler


Give the meaning of the following

Body mechanics
Nursing diagnosis

 Fill in the blanks

Inability to sleep is called ……………..
The resistance to certain disease is artificially attained by …………..
…………. Means difficulty in breathing
……………….. is stiffness of the body after death

 Write short notes

Comprehensive nursing care
Functions of a hospital
Characteristic of respiration
Care of dying patient

 Define bedsore
Mention the causes of bedsore
Write the methods of prevention of bedsore

 Define unconsciousness
Explain the care of an unconscious patient


Choose the correct answer

Application of the drug to the skin i. inhalation ii. Insertion iii. Inunction
Hey’s test is for the presence of i. albumin ii. Acetone iii. Bile salts
Inspection of body part is also called as i. percussion ii. Palpation iii. Observation

 State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Hospital acquired infection is known as nosocomial infection
Drug used to relieve pain are called antibiotics
The presence of blood in the urine is called polyuria
Stomach wash should be given in acid poisoning

Write short notes

Surgical asepsis
Nursing management in case of retention of urine
Nurse’s responsibilities in administration of oral medication
Elements of communication process


Define nursing process
State the steps of nursing process
Explain assessment as a step of nursing process

 Write the golden rules of first aid
Explain the first aid given for foreign body in the eye and drowning


Fill in the blanks

Lack of oxygen in the tissues is called ……………
Loss of appetite means …………….
Florence Nightingale was born on …………….
Constipation can be avoided by ……………….

 Give the meaning of the following

Communicable disease
Write short notes

Determinants of health
Mental hygiene in adolescence
Different types of beds and their uses
Nurses role in meeting the elimination need of a bed ridden patient
Management of a patient with fluid imbalance

Define nursing
List the principles of nursing
Explain the qualities of a professional nurse

 Define discharge
Write the details of discharge procedure of a patient with respiratory problems


State the action of the following drugs



Differentiate between the following

Eupnoea and dyspnoea
Medical asepsis and surgical asepsis

State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

The duration of sitz bath is 15 t0 20 minutes
Each gram of water takes up 680 calories of heat
Hospital acquired infection is known as droplet infection

Write short notes

Characteristics of pulse
Urine test for sugar and albumin
Nurses responsibilities in the application of local heat and cold application
Rules of administration of medication

What is first aid
Write the golden rules of first aid
Explain the first aid measures in drowning and electrical burns


What is a catheter
Explain the procedure of female catheterization

Define enema
Explain the procedure of administrating soap and water enema


Fill in the blanks

Phonation is another function of …………….
Sterilization, steam under pressure is known as …………
Difficulty in swallowing is called as ………….
Specific gravity of urine is measured by means of ……………..

 Differentiate between the following

Pediculosis capitis and pediculosis corporis
Health and illness
Active exercise and passive exercise
Out patient department and in patient department


Write short notes

Maintenance of therapeutic environment
Qualities of a nurse
Body mechanics
Comfort devices and their uses
Importance of maintaining records

 Define mental health
List the characteristics of mentally healthy person
Discuss about promotion of mental health in old age


Choose the correct answer

Heat causes i. vaso dilatation ii. Vaso constriction iii. Skin rashes
The most suitable position for giving an enema is i. left lateral ii. Right lateral iii. Upright position
Lack of oxygen in the blood stream i. anoxemia ii. Anoxia iii. Anorexia


Write the formula to convert Celsius scale to Fahrenheit scale

State whether the following statements are TRUE OR FALSE

Sitz is a german word mean seat
Normal quite breathing is called eupnoea
The temperature falls in zigzag manner is called crisis
One gram of fat yields 4 calories of heat

 Write short notes

Nursing care of a patient with breathing difficulty
Characteristics of normal urine
Disinfection techniques
Types of enema
Administering oral medication procedure

 Define steam inhalation
List the purposes of steam inhalation
Write the procedure for steam inhalation by using nelson’s inhaler

 Define bandaging
List the aims of bandaging
Briefly explain the rules to be followed while applying bandage

Fill in the blanks

Cheilosis can occur due to ……………. Deficiency
Haemoptysis means ……………….
Fever is not a disease, but it is a ………….
Glossitis means …………….

 Give the meaning of the following


 Write short notes

Principles of bed making
Comprehensive nursing care plan
Maintenance of intake and output record
Care of dying patient
Nurses role in relieving retention of urine


Define personal hygiene
List the solutions that are used for mouth wash
Explain the procedure of giving mouth care to an unconscious patient

 List the types of exercises
Explain the importance of each type


Differentiate between the following

Bradycardia  and tachycardia
Anoxaemia and asphyxia

 Convert the following

102 degree fahrenheit to celcius
38 degree celcius to fahrenheit

Choose the correct answer

To reduce temperature i. astringent enema ii. Oil enema iii. Cold enema
Hospital acquired infection is known as i. droplet infection ii. Nosocomial infection iii. Contamination
One ounce is i. 5 ml ii. 50 ml iii. 25 ml

 Write short notes

Cold sterilization
Nursing management of a patient with fever
General instructions for removal of stains from linen
Characteristics of pulse

 Define gastric gavage
List the indications for gastric gavage
Explain the procedure of nasogastric tube feeding

 Explain the “rule of nine” with a neat diagram to assess the degree of burns
Write in detail the first aid management of burns


Write the meaning for the following


 Fill in the blanks

Introduction of medicine or fluids into the vein is called …………..
Examination by tapping the fingers on body is termed as …………….
Increased respiratory rate over 24 breaths per minute is …………
Loss of appetite is otherwise known as …………….

 Write short notes

Classification of hospitals
Records and reports
Care of unconscious patient
Surgical asepsis
Principles of nursing

 Define bed bath
What is the purpose of bed bath
Explain the procedure of bed bath

 Define physical examination
What is the purpose of physical examination
Explain the different methods of physical examination


Choose the correct answer

Florence nightingale was born on i. May 12th ii. May 1st  iii. March 12th
Hospital acquired infection is known as i. droplet infection ii. Nosocomial infection iii. Opportunistic infection
The mechanical device used to prevent foot drop is i. bed block ii. Foot rest iii. Back rest

 State whether the following statement are TRUE OR FALSE

Heat regulation center is hypothalamus
Haematuria means blood in stool
Gastric lavage is the washing of stomach
Proctoscope is used to examine the ear

 Write short notes

Rights of administration of medication
Methods of disinfection
Factors affecting blood pressure
Care of patient with breathing difficulty
Nursing management of patient with retention of urine

 What is exercise
Write the purpose of exercise
Explain the effect of exercise on different systems of the body

 Define nursing process
List the steps of nursing process
Explain assessment in detail

What is first aid
List the golden rules of first aid
Explain the first aid management in dog bite