Maternal Nursing Important Questions
P.C or P.B BSC First Year Nursing – Maternal Nursing Important Questions, INC AND RGUHS 2024
- Explain in detail the physiological changes during pregnancy
- Define PPH (Post Partum Haemorrhage). What are the causes? Write in detail the nursing management of PPH
- Define Apgar score. Explain in detail essential new born care
- Explain in detail the growth and development of the foetus
- Define puerperium. Explain in detail the physiological changes during puer perium
- Discuss the mechanism of normal labour
- Explain in detail foetal circulation
- Explain in detail the physiology of normal labour
- Discuss about intra uterine development
- Define the term newborn. List the minor disorders of the newborn. Discuss the immediate care of the newborn
- Define pregnancy included hypertension. List the complications of pregnancy induced hypertension. Discuss the management of eclampsia at 38 weeks of gestation of pregnancy
- Define puerperium. List the types of lochia. Discuss the management of normal puerperium
- Define partograph. Explain how you will use partograph effectively during intranatal period
- What is newborn care. Explain the immediate care of the newborn.
- Define ectopic pregnancy. Enumerate the types of ectopic pregnancy. Plan the postoperative nursing care of a woman with ectopic pregnancy using nursing process
- Define preterm labour. What are the characteristic features of preterm labour. Describe the management of preterm labour to continue the pregnancy to term.
- Define uterovaginal prolapsed. List the causes and types of UV prolapsed. Explain the management of UV prolapse
- Explain minor disorders of pregnancy. Enumerate signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. Explain the management of patient with ectopic pregnancy
- Define labour. Discuss the physiological changes during the first stage of labour
- Define third stage of labor. List the methods of separation of placenta. Discuss the management of third stage of labor
- Define postpartum hemorrhage. List the predisposing factors for post partum hemorrhage. Discuss the management of primary post partum hemorrhage
- Define polyhydramnios. List the etiological factors for polyhydramnios. Discuss the management of polyhydramnios complicating pregnancy
- Planned parenthood
- Causes of maternal mortality
- Legal aspect of maternal nursing
- Internal female reproductive organs
- Diagnosis of pregnancy
- Advantages of breast feeding
- Episiotomy
- Drugs used in obstetrics
- Ovarian hormones and their functions
- Effect of anaemia on child bearing
- Anatomy of non-pregnant uterus
- Antenatal exercises
- Reproductive and child health
- Modern concept of maternal care
- Minor disorders of newborn
- Management of third stage labor
- Causes of pre-eclamptic toxemia of pregnancy
- Differentiate the term baby and pre-term baby
- Stages of labour
- High risk pregnancy
- Baby friendly hospital initiative
- Lochia
- Genetic counseling
- Ante natal nutrition
- Care of pre mature infants
- Postnatal psychosis
- Physiology of lactation
- Extra uterine adaptation of the newborn
- Extra uterine contraceptive devices
- Version
- Indications of caesarean section
- Explain natural family planning methods
- Explain the causes of rupture of uterus
- What are the functions of placenta
- Enumerate the birth injuries of the newborn
- Explain the physiological changes during postpartum period
- Explain role of nurse in management of puerperal sepsis
- Explain Burns Marshall method
- Discuss the diet plan of antenatal mother at 3rd trimester
- Explain the congenital malformations of newborn
- Brief about abnormalities of bony pelvis
- Explain the steps of baby friendly hospital initiative
- Describe the management of arrested occipito posterior position
- Explain the management of acute polyhydromnios
- Describe the various diameters of fetal skull
- Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
- Management of abruptio placenta
- Planned parenthood
- MTP act
- Internal genital organs
- Fetal circulation
- Threatened abortion
- Hydatidform mole
- Complications of gestational DM
- Amniotic fluid
- Fetal development
- Oxytocin
- Vulval hematoma
- Pre requisites for forceps application
- Burns marshal method
- List the complications of caesarean section
- What are all the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum extractor
- Explain about lovset manoeuvre method
- Diagnosis of occipito posterior position during pregnancy and delivery
- Characteristics of a preterm baby
- Explain about effects of diabetes on pregnancy
- Explain about mechanism of placental separation
- Role of the nurse in infertility management
- Medical termination of pregnancy
- Infertility
- Puerperium
- Mal presentation
- Vesicular mole
- Ophthamia Neonatorum
- Colostrums feeding
- Characteristics of female pelvis
- Maternal morbidity
- Cracked nipples
- PIH (Pregnancy induced Hypertension)
- Birth injuries of newborn
- Quickening
- Phototherapy
- Birth asphyxia
- Signs and symptoms of true labour
- Embryo
- Temporary birth control methods
- Definition of labour
- Maternal mortality
- High risk neonate
- Fertilization
- Female pelvis
- Maternal services
- Newborn reflexes
- Positive signs of pregnancy
- Aims of prenatal care
- Four indications for doing amniocentesis
- Neonatal jaundice
- Lightening
- Menopause
- Deep transverse arrest
- Presentation
- Asphyxia neonatorum
- Baseline tachycardia
- Constriction ring dystocia
- Klympke’s palsy
- Morula
- Menopause
- Incoordinate uterine action
- Perineum
- List the indications of episiotomy
- What are the types of lochia
- Define menopause
- What is osiander’s sign
- List the barrier methods of contraception
- What are the aims of antenatal care
- Define abortion and classify the types of abortion
- List types of pelvis
- Define crowning
- Write the clinical features of pre eclampsia and eclampsia
- Amenorrhea
- Decapitation
- Eligible couples
- Safe motherhood
- Clinical features of postpartum blues
- Prolactin
- Elderly primi
- Advantages of colostrums
- Jacquemier’s sign
- Two contraindication for oral contraceptives
- Define family welfare program
- Define vasectomy
- Difference between methergin and oxytocin
- False labour pain
- Bloody show
- Cervical effacement
- Episiotomy
- Causes of precipitate labour
- Convelaire uterus
- Red current in white current juice
- Stall worthy’s sign
- Weight gain in pregnancy
- AP diameters of fetal skull
- Indications of CS
- Uterine inertia
- Polyhydramnios
- Quickening
- Hyperemesis gravidarum
- Post maturity
- Moulding
- Zygote
- Placenta previa
- APGAR score
- After pain
- Amennorrhoea
- Recto-vaginal fistula