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Medical Surgical Nursing Important Questions, P.C. or P.B. BSC First Year Nursing based on INC AND RGUHS


  1. Explain the clinical features of diabetes mellitus. Enlist the nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions

  2. Management of fractures

  3. Cirrhosis of liver and its complications

  4. Define and classify cerebro vascular accident. Describe the pathophysiological changes with clinical manifestation.

  5. Define burns and state its classification. Discuss pathophysiology with clinical manifestations

  6. Discuss the causes and risk factors of COPD, with pathophysiological changes. Management of COPD

  7. Define shock and explain the stages of shock with clinical manifestations

  8.  Pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of myocardial infarction.

  9.  Define cerebro vascular accident. List the causes of ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke

  10.  Define bronchial asthma. Nursing management

  11.  Describe the classification, clinical manifestation and management of diabetes mellitus

  12.  Define epilepsy. List and explain the classification of seizures. Discuss the nurse’s responsibilities

  13.  Define asthma. Explain pathophysiology and nursing management

  14.  Define glaucoma. List the types of glaucoma. List the surgical approaches and management

  15.  Define and classify shock. Explain management of patient in hypovalemic shock

  16.  Define fracture. List different types of fractures. Nursing care

  17.  Define hemiplegia. Management of hemiplegia

  18.   Intestinal obstruction and management

  19.  Burns and management

  20.  Hypertension

  21.  Pneumonia

  22.  Acute renal failure

  23.  Define peptic ulcer. Difference between peptic and duodenal ulcer.


  1. Nephrotic syndrome
  2. Myxoedema

  3. Cardiogenic shock

  4. Rehabilitation in COPD

  5. Principle of an Intensive Care Unit

  6. Complications of burns

  7. Care of an unconscious patient

  8. Care of a patient undergoing radiotherapy

  9. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

  10.  Shock and its management

  11. Poisoning and its first aid management

  12.  Pleural effusion

  13.  Fluid and electrolyte imbalances

  14.  Diabetes mellitus

  15.  Ischemic heart disease

  16.  Surgical approaches of peptic ulcer

  17.  AIDS

  18.   Explain the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus

  19.  What are the different stages of epileptic attack

  20.   Management of pulmonary tuberculosis

  21.  Mode of transmission of hepatitis B virus and prevention

  22.  What is lithotripsy. What are the different techniques of lithotripsy

  23.  Define anemia. Management of iron deficiency anemia

  24.  Define peptic ulcer disease and difference between gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

  25.  Cardiaogenic shock

  26.  Psoriasis

  27.  Osteoarthritis

  28.  Respiratory arrest

  29.  Management of pain

  30.  Infective hepatitis

  31.  Raynaud’s disease

  32.  Corpulmonale

  33.  Nephritic syndrome

  34.  Nurse’s responsibilities before, during and after blood transfusion

  35.  Pathophysiology of congestive cardiac failure

  36.  Health education for a patient hepatitis

  37.  Complications of diabetes mellitus

  38.  Stages of bone healing

  39.  Haemodialysis

  40.  Tracheostomy care

  41.  Surgical measures for cataract

  42.  Diagnostic measures in pulmonary tuberculosis

  43.  Care of unconscious patient

  44.  Treadmill test

  45.  Complications of hypertension

  46.  Benign prostatic hyperplasia

  47.  Diabetes insipedis

  48.  Bone healing

  49.  Cirrhosis of liver

  50.  Mammography

  51.  Water seal chest drainage

  52.  Nursing management of patient with shock

  53.  Leukemia

  54.  Tracheostomy

  55.  Cataract

  56.  Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

  57.  Colostomy

  58. Management of diabetes mellitus

  59.  Risk factors of coronary artery disease

  60.  Acidosis

  61.  Arrhythmias

  62.  COPD

  63.  Radiotherapy

  64.  Malaria

  65.  Thyroid crisis

  66.  Leukemia

  67.  Tonsillitis

  68.  Nurse responsibilities in blood transfusion

  69.  Nurses role in cancer chemotherapy

  70.  Postural drainage

  71.  Acute renal failure

  72.  Pancreatitis

  73.  Management of snake bite

  74. Care of patient on intercostals drainage

  75.  Nursing management of pain

  76.  Thyroid crisis

  77.  Equipments in an ICU

  78.  Sub acute bacterial endocarditis

  79.  Haemodialysis

  80.  Diabetic diet

  81.  Cushings syndrome

  82.  Herpes zoster

  83.  Cardiac arrest

  84.  Peptic ulcer

  85.  End stage renal disease

  86. Colitis

  87.   Pleural effusion

  88.  Hypophysectomy

  89.  Prolapsed disc

  90.  Amputation

  91.  Scabies

  92.  Cardio pulmonary resuscitation

  93.  Lung abscess

  94.  Broncho dilators

  95.  Surgical management of renal calculi

  96.  Puva therapy

  97.  Dialysis 

  98.  Bronchiectasis and its management

  99.  Brain tumor



  1. Pneumothorax
  2. Digitalis toxicity

  3. Cardiac tamponade

  4. Standard precautions

  5. Epistaxis

  6. Types of arrhythmias

  7. Osteroporosis

  8.  Management of renal calculi

  9. Complications of tonsillectomy

  10.  Tetany

  11.  Cardiac monitors

  12.  Benign prostatic hypertrophy

  13.  Pneumonia

  14.  Hypertensive crisis

  15.  Types of anaesthesia

  16.  Hemorrhoids

  17.  Urinary incontinence

  18.  Traction

  19.  Pacemaker

  20.  Inflammation

  21.   Differentiate between cardio version and defibrillation

  22.  What is thalassemia

  23.  What is dumping syndrome.

  24.  List the types of cataract

  25.  What is otosclerosis

  26.  What is acute adrenal insufficiency

  27.   Differentiate between azotemia and uremia

  28.  List the diagnostic measures in osteoporosis

  29.  What is pap smear

  30.  List the clinical manifestations in endocarditis

  31.   Diuretics

  32.  Dyspnoea

  33.  Hiatus hernia

  34.  Dengue fever

  35.  Goiter

  36.  Infertility

  37.  Epispadiasis

  38.  Pericarditis

  39.  Hemorrhoids

  40.  Endoscopy

  41.  Amputation

  42.  Types of shock

  43.  Causes of blindness

  44.  Types of aphasia

  45.  Quinsy

  46.  Paraplegia

  47.  Chorea

  48.  Cholecystitis

  49.  Haemophilia

  50.  Emphysema

  51. Scalds

  52.  Prosthetic valves

  53. Purpura

  54.  Phenyntoin

  55. Incontinence

  56. Defibrillation

  57. Cardiac marker s

  58. Pulse oxymetry

  59. Anal fistula

  60.  Euthyroid

  61. Haemophilia

  62. Tonometry

  63. Diarrhea

  64. Endoscopy

  65. Electro encephalo gram

  66. Hepatitis

  67. Anal fissure

  68. Arthritis

  69. Antacids

  70. Electro cardiogram (ECG)

  71. Pemphigus

  72. Subluxation

  73. Fistula

  74. Emphysema

  75. Ophthalmic drugs

  76. Aneurysm

  77. Pyurea

  78. Fever

  79. Incontinence

  80. Emphysema

  81. Anal fissure

  82. Angina

  83. Glaucoma

  84.  Atelectasis

  85. Phantom limb

  86. Cause of cardiac arrest

  87. Breath sounds

  88.  Types of CVA

  89. Complications of blood transfusion

  90. Antiepileptic drugs

  91. Types of fractures

  92. Status Asthamaticus

  93. Types of Traction

  94. Pheochromacytoma

  95.  Intractable pain

  96. Fissure in ANO

  97.  Prosthesis

  98. Anasarca

  99. Seizure

  100. Tetany

  101.      Hemorrhoids

  102. Myopia

  103.  Iron deficiency anemia

  104.  Percentage of burns

  105. Goiter

  106. Bursitis

  107. Prevention of urinary tract infection

  108. Pap smear

  109. Purpura

  110. Streptokinase

  111.  Chicken pox

  112.  Portal hypertension

  113. Vesico vaginal fistula

  114. Reconstructive surgery

  115. Mannitol