Give meaning of the following (one mark)
Emotion, memory, attention (important), perception, motivation, forgetting (important), hallucination, disorientation, frustration(important), attitude (important), rationalization, delusion, introspection, psychology(important), skill, sublimation, telepathy, behavior(important), memory(important), mental health (important), motivation, emotion, frustration, intelligence, habits, motivation(important), will power, defense mechanism, conflict, habit, skill, learning.
Write short notes on the following (4 mark)
- Branches of psychology (important)
- Mental mechanisms,
- Conflicts and types of conflicts
- Observation,
- Factors affecting the development of personality,
- Factors affecting perception, (important)
- Sources of frustration,
- Adjustment and maladjustment,
- Socialization,
- Functions of culture,
- Features of urban community,
- Family and types of family,
- Types of marriages,
- Social group and types of social group
- Juvenile delinquency,
- Social problems,
- Effects of environment on childhood
- Define urbanization,
- Merits and demerits of caste system (important)
- Importance of sociology
- Prostitution (important)
- Features of rural community
- Difference between joint family and nuclear family.
- Juvenile delinquency.
- Social change. (important)
- Thinking and types of thinking.
- Scientific method of problem solving.
- Factors influencing attention.
- Marriage.
- Characteristics of culture.
- Sources of in nursing profession.
- Population explosion.
- Budgeting for the family.
Short notes (5 marks)
- Importance of psychology in nursing, (important)
- Thinking and types of thinking,
- Scientific method of problem solving, (important)
- Factors affecting attention,
- Disorders in perception,
- Individual differences in intelligence, (important)
- Scope of psychology,
- Frustration,
- Approach – approach conflict, (important)
- Maladjustment, (important)
- Factors promoting effective learning,
- Errors in perception,
- Development of intelligent behavior, (important)
- Advantage and disadvantage of habit formation,
- Adjustment mechanisms,
- Advantages and limitations of intelligence tests,
- Forgetfulness,
- Factors affecting perceptions
- Memory
- Attitude,
- Types of learning, (important)
- Branches of psychology,
- Perception,
- Conflicts, (important)
- Factors that promote effective learning,
- Factors affecting development of personality,
- Importance of psychology in nursing profession, (important)
- Factors that control and direct attention,
- Sources and nature of frustration,
- Factors that determine our attitude,
- Development of intelligent behavior, (important)
- Habits
- Types of conflicts
- Scope of psychology (important)
- Explain the factors affecting learning
- Mental (defense) mechanism, (important)
- Nurses role in controlling emotions among patients
- Principles of perception,
- Individual differences in intelligence,
- Characteristics of a mentally healthy person,
- Forgetfulness,
- Habit formation,
- Types of thinking,
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs,
- Emotions,
- Classification of personality
- Alcoholism
- Difference between growth and development.
- Types of family. (important)
- Social control. (important)
- Social groups.
- Socialization.
- Functions of culture.
- Types of marriages.
- Disorders of perception.
- Individual differences in intelligence. (important)
- Frustration.
- Functions of family
- Approach – approach conflict.
- Define hallucination. Write the various types of hallucination with examples.
Long Answers ( 7 OR 8 OR 9 Marks)
- Define urbanization. Explain the effects urbanization on social change.
- Explain the factors affecting the personality development.
- Explain the agencies of socialization.
- Define population explosion. List the causes of population extension. Explain the measures to control population extension.
- Define social problems. Enlist the common social problems. Explain the prostitution and its consequences.
- Define motives. Write the classification of motives. Explain the physiological motives.
- Define psychology. Explain the scope of psychology. Discuss the importance of psychology in nursing profession.
- Define social problems. Explain the characteristics of social problems. List the causes of dowry system in india. (important)
- Define caste. Explain the merits and demerits of caste system.
- Define attention. List the characteristics of attention. Explain the determinants of attention.
- Define poverty. List the causes of poverty. Explain the remedial measures to come out of poverty.
- Define memory. Write the types of memory. Explain the methods to improve memory. (important)
- Define learning. Explain the types of learning. Discuss the factors influencing learning. (important)
- Define social control. Explain the importance of social control. Discuss the means of social control. (important)
- What are emotions? Write the characteristics of emotions. Explain the effects of emotional reactions of health. (important)
- What is observation? Write the factors influencing attention. Explain the types of attention.
- Define population explosion. Explain its effects on economy. Describe measures to control population explosion. (important)
- What is personality development? Explain Erikson’s psychosocial development of personality. (important)
- Define perception. Explain the laws of perceptual organization.
- Define group. List types of group. Explain in detail characteristics of primary group.
- What are personality traits? Explain in detail Hippocrates and Curl Jung’s classification of personality. (important)
- What is psychology? Explain the scope of psychology. (important)
- Define society. Write the characteristics of society. Explain any three social problems faced in the society.
- Define family. Mention the types and write the characteristics. Explain the family life education. (important)
- Define personality development. Write the classification of any one type. ( Sheldon classification or Sigmund Freud’s classification)
- Define motivation. Write the types of motives. Briefly explain about psychosocial motives.
- Define economy. List the essential elements of family budgeting. What is the advantage of planning budget for a family.
- Differentiate between Pyknic and Asthenic personality.
- Mention the commonly used techniques for assessing personality.
- Define conflicts. Enumerate the types of conflicts. Explain the measures to overcome frustration and conflicts.
- Define community. List the factors affecting development of personality. Explain the Carl Jung classification of personality. (important)
- Define culture. List the functions of culture. Write the characteristics of culture.